House MD 6x17 "Knight Fall" Best Housewilson scene

Apr 20, 2010 08:12

And that is what I would call a "precious" Housewilson moment. Right there.

My Thoughts on Knight Fall

I have to say it's been a while since I kept thinking about a House MD episode even almost a week after it aired. The cases have been kinda lame and definitely the cast's lives outside the hospital have been more important this season than any other, so the medical mysteries have been left aside. Not that I'm complaining, this has been the most Housewilson season so far and anyone who cannot see that these guys are meant for each other and that they have more than friendly feelings going on is just playing dumb.

The first part of the episode fooled a lot of people, it really looked like it was a medieval time movie and for a second I wondered if I had downloaded the wrong thing.

For me the idea of living under a code of honor and respect is quite admirable. I underestand Thirteen's point saying that he should tell her that he loved her, but at the same time why should anyone suffer because of love? If the other guy is his friend he shouldn't covice his girlfriend, he wants to live a honorable life and be a better man than those slimebags that roam the earth? good for him! Love is all about trying to make your loved one happy, and that includes giving that loved one the best life you can afford, inside and out. It's a behavior not only of a knight, but of a great man.

Pfff.. now, with that out of my system, I can't forget NAKED!HOUSE!!!

I could hear Guns N Roses so clearly...

♫ Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste...
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith ♫

Oh yessss... and I sang all through the scene, that wicked face of "I'm freaking her out and this is just the beginning, you better run while you can...

♫ Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game ♫

And this is as stretched as we could see him, I loved the cute bellybutton and the smooth skin, hipbones, all we could see! and we saw quite a lot,apparently he is a lot less hairy than we could imagine... besides, Wilson is a sucker for neatness, so you better look good at ALL times...

And my question here was... Why was House around the loft naked and joyful? It was definitely not something usual because Wilson asked him about it afterwards. He did not expect Sam to be there, but he is not a man to be shy about himself (and why would he, he's freaking hot)... What would have been Wilson's reaction? What was he expecting to happen? Ah, more fuel to the fanfiction fire, thank you very much.

There was the very theatrical Jealousy!Sword scene:

The soulless harpy you were married to before we met.

Ah, the dramaaa!! I loved it that the whole fight was about Wilson's futile attempt to hide things from House. House has no problem telling him how he feels and, after all, the woman hurt him so much! So much... how? Many wonder how. Maybe we will not know, but I have a theory. House told Sam she was a cold hearted bitch, that he saw Wlson struggle for years trying to overcome the damage she did, she agreed on the fact that she had hurt him. It would be very logical for a man like Wilson to love whole-heartedly, no boundaries, no second thoughts. He loves this woman and she leaves him for someone else. Asks for the divorce. Divorce papers that arrive while he was on that conference where House laid eyes on him for the first time. House had seen him struggle because even as Wilson is a good man, who loves sincerely, he is insecure about women loving him when they don't need him as much, he may've felt Sam left him cause she didn't need him anymore. He tries hard (we know he knows how to please a woman) and feeds the need. Then another woman comes, he feels she needs him and that´s an automatic love card he feels compelled to use. Sam ruined him for other women because it made him fearful of rejection so he is constantly looking for love. That's what I think.

Good thing he's got House. ♥

The dinner with the tranny was kinda fun. I loved Wilson's smiling face while he shook hands with "her". It was almost a releaved happy face, something that said "Good, he didnt bring a regular hooker he's gonna have loud noisy sex with at the same time I'm with Sam", or even "Good, he brought something harmless that he cannot have sex with just to make me jealous.I love this man." I felt bad for House when the plan turned sour, but he made the cutest face ^___^

Now. I'm sorry, but that guy's eyes reminded me WAY TOO MUCH of the movie 28 Weeks Later. And I freaking hate zombies. Everytime I saw him he freaked me out. If I had seen him out of the blue, I would have shot him and then shot every single person at that fair. I wouldn't risk a zombie infection no matter what.

We also had a Foreman!Torchwood moment!:

He consorts with tiny demons in his hand! LOL!

Ever since I saw that scene on the trailer and Thirteen telling him that he should've said he was a time traveler, I thought that Foreman would be perfect for the next Torchwood team. He would make an excellent Tosh, rather cold, very good at what he does, lots of knowledge and little time to fool around! I like Foreman. I liked what Foreman was when he got together with Thirteen, I liked him before and I like him now. He is a robot a lot of times and always the sound of boring reason. But hey, on "Epic Fail" we can see that Foreman and Thirteen went to the beach, they looked pretty happy (and he looked pretty hot), and on "Lockdown" we can see that Foreman can be fun and playful even when he had his own agenda the whole time. He has not received a lot of attention and he is always the grumpy one... dunno what a Foreman-centric episode would do to the ratings, but I'd definitely watch.

Watching Foreman in his coat, picturing him looking for Weevils and fighting vicious aliens while getting hot coffee from a completely logically resurrected Ianto, I could really hope for a crossover with my beloved Jack Harkness even for a second right there...

All in all, it took me long enough to like Amber, even as I saw her as a male version of House which made me happy because it was Wilson's chance to fuck House into next Tuesday without drama. Sam is no Amber. I need no time to tell if she is right or if her character will make Wilson happy, becausewhat Wilson is looking for is merely to bring back the happiness he first felt with her, but he is NOT EVEN SURE if that was what he wanted! He listened to Thirteen telling him that House was hindering his freedom, he was afraid to accept he did not need anyone else is his life because he IS happy with House, their home together, the home he bought for House so he felt safe and happy. He doubts again, he goes to Cuddy because he wants her to tell him what House told him, that Sam ruined his life before and that he should not be so stupid as to trust her again. Cuddy has no guts and goes all awkward with him after knowing him for so long (Bleh for Cuddy).

It's obvious he is begging House to meddle! "I don't need your help! No, I don't need your help! Just come to the dinner and be your usual selfish self." And trust House to be himself and do what he does best! Get Wilson's wives out of his heart.

I finish with the phrase that fixes everything. No matter how long Wilson will want to play this game. Patience is a virtue.

knight fall jealous!house

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