Charloft Munday - point of view

Nov 08, 2010 20:24

For this Munday, we invite you to examine point of view in your writing for your character.

Do you primarily answer prompts in first person, or do you mix it up with some third person every now and then (or maybe you write the majority of your prompts in third)?

Do you ever write prompts from the first person POV of a supporting character, instead of your protagonist?

What do you feel are the benefits or drawbacks of writing in your favored point of view?

Bonus points if you've ever answered a prompt in the tricky second person!

When I started writing prompts for Harry I got it into my head that I always had to write from his point of view. So I wrote everything from his point of view. Until there was a prompt, I forget which comm it was on now, that was basically to write something from someone else's point of view. So I wrote it from the point of view of an OC.

I'd like to write more from other people's point of view. For all the characters in Harry's life I think about why they do what they do. So I know that, but their motivations might not be obvious to anyone reading. In some cases that's the whole point - the characters keep their motivations hidden and if Harry doesn't know why they're doing what they're doing, no one reading is going to. It's just a case of getting out of the habit, I think.

The stories I've written for Harry have all been in third person. He just doesn't seem to lend himself to first person for some reason. Maybe because he's just so hard to write. And get right. I'm not confident I get it right in third person and first would be harder.

prompt: charloft

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