Jun 08, 2009 21:06
1. I love her and she loves me. It's not the only reason to be with someone, but it is an important one.
2. She understands what it is I do and why I can't talk to her about a lot of it.
3. She likes the little things I do, such as pulling out her chair at dinner and opening doors for her. I asked her about it once and she said she liked being pampered a little like that.
4. She's not a pushover. If she disagrees with me (or anyone) she'll let you know.
5. She cares about people. If someone's been wronged she'll see that it gets put right. She often worries over her pupils and if they have something wrong at home she'll take the time to help them.
6. She keeps me sane. I'm not used to having to be so inactive with this knee, but she won't let me feel sorry for myself and won't let me make excuses for not doing things.
7. It would break Kelly's heart if we split up. I know that's a terrible reason for staying with someone, but it's enough to make me stop and think and make sure things work between us rather than taking the easy route out.
8. Not much gets her down. Everyone gets upset from time to time, but she doesn't just give in, she'll go and do something about it to make the situation better.
9. The things we have in common. If we hated each others favourite things and hobbies we'd not have anything to talk about.
10. She puts up with me and all the things I do that drive her mad.
time: present,
prompt: just muse me,
people: elaine miller (oc)