RP mun friending meme

Jan 06, 2009 11:11

The last one of these I did was back in May, so it must be time for another one ( Read more... )

other: ooc

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Comments 1335

shot_my_shoes January 6 2009, 11:32:08 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Nic/paranoidangel
Mun LJ: paranoidangel42
Mun Age: Late twenties and that's all you need to know
Mun Location: England
Pups: shot_my_shoes (Harry Sullivan), unit_girl (Jo Grant), splendid_roman (Ian Chesterton), jaffa_notacake (Teal'c), sir_spook (Harry Pearce)
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: relativespace, the_blank_slate, oncoming_storms, writers_muses, makeyourlist, couples_therapy and some others, but they were ages ago
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who/Torchwood/SJA, Stargate & Atlantis, Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes, LOTR, and probably some others, but those are the ones I tend to talk about most
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Mostly real life stuff, sometimes fandom stuff, sometimes talking about stuff on TV, very occasionally RP stuff.
Anything else you can think of to add: Probably 0.01% of my LJ posts are friends locked, so anyone can read through it. I have recently moved house, so the first 20 entries may not be typical of what I usually write.


sleevewornheart January 8 2009, 05:14:39 UTC
Harry Pearce! Love him. I was so glad to see someone had him. (I have thequeenwept, who hangs out with on_the_grid.


shot_my_shoes January 8 2009, 17:10:49 UTC
Thank you! Harry has those both friended :)


sarahs_attic January 6 2009, 16:03:39 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Hilary/hhertzof
Mun LJ: hhertzof
Mun Age: Older than you, probably
Mun Location: New York state (the town name wouldn't mean much to you)
Pups: sarahnotlaura (Sarah Jane Smith/Laura Roslin, on hiatus), sarahs_attic (Sarah Jane Smith), velvetdoc (Third Doctor), stealsforsia (Al Mundy)
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: relativespace, themelting_pot, on_thecouch, couples_therapy, makeyourlist, oncoming_storms and others.
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who verse (mostly SJA). I dabble in others, but don't really participate in the fandoms.
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Knitting and crafting, books, work, tv, nonsense, gratuitous rabbit!spam.
Anything else you can think of to add: The only things I friends-lock are work rants and smut.


sarahs_attic January 6 2009, 17:15:54 UTC
And as I can't remember my own pup's name, that should be steals_for_sia.


hawkelf January 7 2009, 21:39:21 UTC
I'm in it for the rabbits.


sarahs_attic January 7 2009, 21:45:52 UTC
Funny how many people say that.

I should do a new rabbit spam soon. :)


rude_not_ginger January 6 2009, 22:38:17 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: MJ
Mun LJ: electric_girl
Mun Age: 24
Mun Location: Washington, DC
Pups: rude_not_ginger, imnot_hisgirl, heroof_canton, the_sexyone
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: relativespace, etrelibre_rpg, realityshifted, theatrical_muse and other writing communities
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Firefly / Serenity, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel: The Series, The Maxx, Life on Mars, Heroes, Jeykll, Veronica Mars, Red Dwarf, Roswell, and without a doubt a ton more.
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: My life as a disgruntled hospital accountant, some fandom stuff, traveling, shiny things, and other fun stuff.
Anything else you can think of to add: I friendslock everything on my mun journal, but not because I'm one of those elitist-sorts who prefers to friendslock in order to gain more friends (not that I think everyone who flocks does, I just know I've found it disconcerting when I'm looking for a new friend and can't see what they've written!) I had an incident where my mother found my journal and, well, it's remained flocked ever since ( ... )


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rude_not_ginger January 7 2009, 00:54:22 UTC
Slick, very slick.


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shot_my_shoes January 6 2009, 22:55:44 UTC
That text's not small, it's tiny! I had to press control+ twice to be able to read it. And I did the textbox purposely so people wouldn't be able to do that. (I hate tiny text, which LJ is full of)


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shot_my_shoes January 6 2009, 23:06:56 UTC
I automatically delete all edited comments from my inbox without reading them because I read it in order and I know I've already read it and I can't be bothered to work out what's different when Gmail will do it for me with deleted and reposted comments.

There are a lot of LJ styles that have tiny text and no way to change it, which is annoying enough, but I have a plugin that automatically adds style=mine to the end of everything, so I can read it all. But there's no need for people to purposely make the text small or massive or a silly font in the post or comment box.


clever_wanderer January 6 2009, 23:10:12 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Nelly
Mun LJ: romana_dante
Mun Age: 18-ish
Mun Location: New Hampshire, land of the granite.
Pups: clever_wanderer Still my one and only =D
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: relativespace, oncoming_storms, creative_muses, just_muse_me, philosophy_20, and albumconcepts as John Smith.
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Firefly, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Life on Mars, House, X-Files, Star Wars, anything and everything written by Douglas Adams, Shakespeare (which is definitely a fandom)and far, far more.
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Random stuff, things I've noticed during the day, things I write when I'm bored, fandom stuff, plays I'm in. There's a pretty sweet entry in there about my hatred for hardware and pesto.
Anything else you can think of to add: Um...I have a deep passion for chocolate chip muffins? And, ironically, tea.


aliengeekgirl January 7 2009, 13:26:10 UTC
Tea is good *says the mun drinking a cup of said beverage now*


clever_wanderer January 7 2009, 15:07:33 UTC
*was actually just about to make a cup* Tea is good. Very good.

Any particular variety?


aliengeekgirl January 7 2009, 15:17:05 UTC
I'm partial to English Breakfast, though I can drink Assam quite happily as well.


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