Miss. Jessica,
I am now pretty much back in sac for the summer...which means I am down to french toast it up WHENVER!!! :-) So when you are free, lets do this ish! hahaha. I'm looking forward to it. Also...Rijel and I decided that you should totally call in sick or something this weekend and come to the beach with us!! It will be the most of fun!! We missers you!
I went to the beach house last weekend and it was seriously the best thing ever. I miss that place. It's a shame that I don't go more often with people. I hung out with like 20 drunkards allllllll weekend...AWESOME! haha. Rijel's comin there with me this weekend...it will be BADICAL! Might roll down to Petaluma Saturday...but probably not because we're dorkos. We've totally been gettin our hang out on. It's been amazing. Today we sung so horrible and loud in my car that another car honked at us, I don't think he enjoyed our singing. pfffft. And Wednesday...we are goin to see the new olsen twin movie with jered and his friend because they're big nerds like us. wooo. Today we hung out with Bryce and he randomly asked me what I ever saw in whats his douche. I told him I have no idea, I think I was just blinded by his insanely good teeth. WHOOOOOPS! I think it's funny that no one likes him, that's what you get for being a big time doucher!! Ohhh well..he's like 23984723984 miles away now and I no one's seen him for like...a yearish. I like Bryce. From now on I think I shall run every boy I date by Bryce and Jeff because they seem to have good judgement with that kind of thing. On a random note, someone asked me to be their girlfriend the other day. SUPER WEIRD. Sooooo awkward. Whatever. I'm just going to hide from him for awhile now, because that's how I do. Brian's here to watch Big Fish...I'm like one of the only people who hasn't seen that movie yet. Man, I'm such a loser.