Since everyone loves Keef passed out, here are some pics of him passed out or almost passed out. You've probably seen some of them before, and maybe not to others. If you have more post them!
2. aww photobucket resized this one, it was MASSIVE. but i guess you can see it all on one screen now
3. awwwww cuties (ok so maybe he's not actually passed out but i thought he was close enough)
5. aaahaha this picture makes me smile
6. who's that guy on the floor with toilet paper on his head, three cups of jack, and a woman in a trashcan on his back? thats our keef. I think this is one of the funniest pictures of keith passed out.
7. mmm door, mmm leather pants, mmmm keeeeeefff (i would also like to say wtf is up with whoever labeled this picture as mick jagger, this is clearly keith! passed out standing up, in a doorway? keith.)
8. ha
10. ok, so he's not passed out, but he's on the floor! ... fixing the tv?
11. there's a weird glare on this one cos i think someone took a picture out of a glossy book, but i like the COLOR because the other one of this picture i have is in black and white. also his jacket is awesome, i want it.
12. mmmmm i have this picture on my wall at home....
14. so i posted this one last time, but it deserves to be included in this. man... all that powder....
15. playing guitar or quick nap?
16. this is what i look like right before i pass out or well completely tune out of whats going on around me
17. there aren't words to describe... so thankfully there's a picture!
18. continuation of #17
19. i think that keef and ronnie are veeeerrry close to passing out, look at those stoned grinns, and the fact that they are on the FLOOR! aahaha
20. and you can't post that one without this one!
and now its time for KEITH DON'T PASS OUT IN THE WATER... didn't you learn anything from brian?
22. heh heh...
23. i think he didn't get my warning...
25. i have no idea whats up with the writing at the bottom of this pic...
26. i really like this one, just his position and everything
27. its sleeping keef!
29. haha
32. this picture makes me crack up everytime i see it
34. this is another one where it looks like he is about to pass out, which would be really bad cos keith doesnt need to go hitting his head again, AND it would probably startle the horses, and nothing good could come from that.... well i might laugh a little
35. aaww this picture is cute!