Senior Superlatives

Feb 02, 2006 20:22

In Regards to Senior Superlatives.

If you feel it's right to get into a confrontation with someone over fuckin voting for superlatives, get a fuckin clue of to how rediculous that is. This shit has turned into a race to who can get the most votes for what. It has lost all meaning.

It is very unorganized on Senior Council's part to not have nomination aside from ballot voting. Things would have been a lot smoother like that. But of course why not take the easy road. Thats how lazy our class has become.

The Superlatives are supposed to represent who in the ASB's opinion is the best of the best. The people that win Superlatives should actually deserve it. It shouldnt be determined by how many friends and strangers you can get to vote for you.

Another thing is how will people know a certain person's last name to put on the fuckin paper? Tell me that senior council.
If people put Mike and Chris for best friends, are you going to know what they are talking about?

Certain people i think may win the votes i dont think deserve it at all. But i guess we have to wait till Superlative dinner to find out.

Anyone who reads this i hope knows that i am not trying to offend anyone. I believe everyone does their best to run granada in their own way. I just feel things could have been organized differently.

Mike Mansour
ASB Treasurer
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