Nov 06, 2004 18:59
Math is kicking my ass.
Rachel and Gilad called me on Thursday night... They actually asked if I wanted to come hang out with them. ofcourse, I was on my way to seattle when they called.. but It made me feel good..
Rachel, me, and the 'rents all went to Seattle on Thursday. Rachel had a Doctor appointment at OverLake (my favorite hospital) for her Ankles. While she was there I called David (ex-boyfriend) and he came and picked me up. It was the first time i had seen him since before we broke up. For all of you who don't know, he went to Israel and broke up with me from there.. through and e-mail. Yea.. pretty cool, huh? Well, he was recently diagnosed with Luekemia. Anyway, I got in the car and we hugged. Good hug. A little awkward, but thats okay.So, we went to his house and sat in his room and talked. At first about whatever; what's going on in our lifes, our families, whatever. I finally got up enough guts to talk about our yucky break up. Basiclly, I just told him he had really hurt me, bad. While i was talking about it I got pretty teary-eyed. I could tell he felt bad. I told him I was okay. I told Im im fine and that my life is good. I told him I forgive him. Toward the end of our conversation he helped me up (I was on the floor), and gave me a hug. He reminded me that we really had some good time and that he wouldn't trade it for the world. Made me feel better. The whole experience was pretty hard. Josh was a little nervous about me going.. I think he was afraid I might get back together with him. I kept reassuring him that I wouldn't do that. Dave and I are over. He hurt me, bad, and i couldn't be with anyone who had that in them. My life is very good. I don't need a guy to be happy. I thought I did when I was with David... but I am a stronger person because of the break-up. It needed to happen. i hope no one goes through all the pain that came with that relationship. It was the most horrible thing I have ever experienced in my life, even worse that all my surgeries and hospital stays last year.
Besides that, at the hotel on friday morning, I was taking Romeo on a walk arounf the hotel and some guy chased me down and started talking to me. He was probly 20 and he was so annoying. He wouldn't leave me alone. he kept asking me for my number and kept turning him down. HE FOLLOWED ME EVERYWHERE!! I finally texted Josh to call me and when he did I told him I had to take the call. Thank G-d!
San Diego... 17 days....
I opened a bank account today. First one EVER. I got a coo ATM card and a cool DEBIT card. It makes me excited.. except oh wait.. there is only $200 dollars in there. Oh well..
Benzy is coming into town next week.. interesting...
I was trying to figure out if WSU had a hillel, so I got on the internet and.. SHAZAM... they have one! There is like 5 people in it, but hey! Its better than nothing, right? Im just happy there are people there that, if I go there, i will be able to relate to.
Today was my bat mitzva anniversary. i didn't even realize it until i went to schul. I did and Aliyaa and rabbi made a big deal out of it, as usual, made me feel good. I like when he does that.
Crystal was here today. We haven't really talked since out little blow out. she left me a little note on my bed.. I can't find it right now.. otherwise i would tell you what it said. Anyway, she was here.. we didn't really talk.. actually it was a bit awkward. When she left she didn't even say goodbye to me. i guess he dog, Aurora, had another seizure. She got sick a while ago and since then has been getting bad seizures. Sad, huh?
I keep getting texts from Arnie. First he sends me an e-mail that says I am dsrespectful and selfish for telling him, honestly, how I feel and now he sends me texts saying stuff like.. "It's ok honey, I love you." or "Hang in there honey, it's okay" or "Hey there! I miss you". It's like are you serious? This man is a flake. i dont want a relationship with someone who is rude and irresponsible andunreliable and whatever. Biological father or not. Sheesh.
I read torah in next week. Yay!
i need a hug from a special someone...