Feb 08, 2005 19:42
Hey all!
It is your beloved Kelsi reporting from the holy land. So far this experience has been incredible. I sat next to Maggie as the plane flew over the coast of this beautiful land. We sat there looking out that tiny window with a smile from ear to ear and tears in our eyes. It was first of the many moving experiences I know I will have here.
My room mates names are Lindsey and Maya. So far they seem pretty cool.
It rained today. But dispite the rain we were all smiles, all day. Breakfast was my first real experience with the isreali's here. We share this campus with an israeli boarding school. In America we all standing line and wait our turn... the second we walked into that dining hall and got in line all of the israeli student 'cut' in front of us. To tell you the truth I was a little schoked. Orientation went smoothly, despite my not feeling too hot from the mixture of Jetlag and what I think may be the water. Im not sure. Then, we met our teachers. My teachers name is Aubrey. He is this short Scottish man with the coolest accent I have ever heard. We got to know eachother a bit then we learned a little about Avram (Abraham). Tommarrow we are going to Tel Gezer. Im not quite sure what it is about, but when I learn I will inform you all.
This evening my dorm went into Hod Hasharon for the first time. I was so great. All the signs are in Hebrew (duh) and we are consintly surrounded by our own people. I got falafel for dinner and it was amazing. Definitly beats the camp stuff. I bought some shabbat candle so that Maggie, Shayna and I can light the shabbat candles on friday night. One of the coolest things I found here so far in my less-than-two-days-here was on the streets of Hod Hasharon. A van playing israeli music was driving around. When they parked a bunch of orthodox jews hopped out and started dancing, which in turn made the rest of us want to dance. They dance because part of praising G-d is spreading joy. It was something you can only see in Israel.
Alright, I am off to finish up some homework before my Tiul (fieldtrip) tommarrow. Ill send an update as soon as I can. I miss you all.
All my love,