Jan 17, 2005 23:32
sooooo last semester was brutal, went through a lot of depression and kept it quite on the dl, but thanksgiving was the worst, i almost killed myself christmas. thank goodness for christine, shaun, berman and dan. its over now. i have awesome friends, esp le core, 211 and ssf, jd,ilo etc. caught up and made new winthropian buddies. thats cool. moved to neptune, no more shoshagon. its better this way tho, my moms new boyfriend is a sweetheart, and his 13 year old son is adorable. sox won... i'm still in shock. pats are still rockin, i had all the nu people and jenmeany at my house to watch the game, wicked good time. prob a repeat when we dominate the steelers next sunday. nothing romantic at the moment, i very much like it this way for now, it hurts too much. went to jerz for new years. steve's boys at home are awesome. esp anthony, kay and austen. it was enlightening. i've adopted the phrase "Fuck them, very tired, very busy", and kept sane as a result. schools hard and getting harder but i coudln't imagine another major or school so "if you're going through hell, keep going"~winston churchill. i'm alson quitting smoking again ;) ha... amazingly enough i've become much less productive as a result becuase its hard to focus and set priorities cause my minds going to fast now. its kind of backwards, i'm in the middle of about 8 things right now. ridiculous hyperness and a.d.d. deal. for the first time in my life i'm happy where i am. i'm not looking forward to anything but less homework for co op, but i dont want leave this amazing place i'm at right now. its kind of ironic. i never thought i'd be truly happy i just wish i had more people from the past who could understand how important this is. but in any case... im lovin it. i started a new wall at school.. its almost as good as the shoshagon. i dunno what to do with neptune yet. i love driving, its so much fun, so much freedom. parkings SUCH a bitch tho. but its 230am, i got class tomorrow. night.