May 21, 2008 18:32
Some people should not be allowed to own dogs. Sure, I get annoyed about all those folks that won't pick up their dog's poop (If you don't want to touch it, even the more so for me!). I can understand the desire to let your dogs run around off their leash in a large field. That's just an annoyance, and does not pose a harm to anyone. Today's case was far worse.
I walk home from work along an area that tends to have many dogs transverse. For the most part, most owners get their dogs back the leash once they leave one of the two large grassy areas. The owner in question today did have his dog on a leash. They were standing near the edge of the park, near where there is an exit from Rock Creek Parkway. The dog was noticing the other dogs approaching, barking at them and trying to go over to them. The owner was doing okay holding him (it was a German Shepherd). As a Lab was approaching, the GS started wiggling in his leash and managed to free himself. He goes running towards the Lab, barking and jumping. He also runs into the exit lane from the Parkway. The owner's reaction was to start walking slowly over to his dog, who is going nuts, to try to catch him. He finally gets him, but doesn't hold on to him, or try to get him back on the leash. The Lab and his owner have continued on their way by this time. Since the owner of the German Shepherd wasn't holding on to his dog, he goes after the Lab again. Part of his running around now included running onto a heavily traveled road (for the locals: P Street). Not just onto P Street, but RIGHT IN FRONT OF A BUS. Thank G-d the bus was moving slowly enough that it could stop in time and the cars coming from the other direction was stopped already but it was a scary moment. I just don't understand why the owner was no concerned about any of this, nor why he failed to try to prevent any of it. Right after this scene, he got the dog back and *still didn't put the leash on*. I would think that if your dog was this out of control, maybe you should get him home and away from danger. Then again, I don't own a dog. I'm just glad that the dog was okay.