I've been wanting to do a huge fanfics rec post (more for my personal reference than anything) for a long time...then recently I realized I spend just as much time reading online comics and other cool stuff, so it turned into a huge miscellaneous recs post...then I finally did the smart thing and just combined both ideas. And this is the end product. Enjoy!
We'll go by alphabetical order so as not to confuse you lovely people.
First, fanfiction:
Part I: A-K Part II: L-Z Next, fanart:
Part I: A-G Part II: H-Z And finally, online comics:
Here (Originally there was going to be a fanvid section too, but YouTube tends to delete things at the drop of a hat these days, sooo...I'm not messing with that crap.)
This is also something of a coming out post for me, since I don't think I've ever mentioned that I like both slash and het pretty synonymously. In fact, the stats for the fanfiction post are 56% het and 44% slash. So no judging on a pairing just because of the sexual orientation, okay?
Other than that, enjoy, share with other people, and let me know if I've forgotten one of your favorites!