Thanks for kind comments on the last entry, for the two of you that still read this haha (I'm looking at you
masako and
elyse). Especially you, Andrea, it helped to put stuff into perspective a little bit better.
Things are going alright, so I can't/shouldn't complain, but fuck it, right? I always make super long entries, well, not like they used to be. Anyway. Leeet's start with some regular stuff. I had to get the brake pads and the rotors on my car replaced (it was making a LOVELY grinding noise) and that was quite a hit, $710. Uugh, I shiver just thinking about it. Well, on the credit card out went, because after rent I'm lucky if I have enough for anything. I had my yearly review earlier in the month, done by one of the ASMs (who had taken over after the store manager got promoted). I basically got the best ranking/rating that you could possibly get. Apparently not many get that, according to Luke anyway. But its definitely something to be proud of! Yaaay also means I'm getting a higher payout for my bonus and a raise. Fuck yeah. And then hopefuly this year we will have a good tax return between the beloved and myself...
Things between my brother and his gf are apparently getting serious, to the point where they wanna move in together. I'm trying to talk him out of it and at the very least wait a bit longer until he makes such a decision. Outs his first time living by himself (away from mom and dad), so he'd be paying higher rent, water, power, gas, cable amongst other delightful miscellaneous expenses that I don't think he's taken into account yet.
We are still waiting on the callback for Jon, I'm still hoping he gets the job.
Okay. Well, now lets see. I've been speaking lots with Tara lately (you remember Hippy, Andrea?)! I've been feeling lately like I ain't got too many friends, and that doesn't mean I have tho hang out with everyone all the time, but I practically have no contact with anyone otherwise, I usually feel like I'm being a bother. But yeah, Tara, Tara is going to be a mommy! She's expecting a baby boy!
I told her to send me a pic, and it toally cemented everything for me. Anyway, cut it kinda short, Tara's father has officially disowned her and wants nothing to do with her and her baby boy. Her mother is out of the question, cause, well, she's insane. She was texting me worried about what her boyfriend's family will think when no-one from her family shows up for the baby shower. So I offered to come. She started freaking out, feeling that she guilt tripped me into coming out. I said "You wanted family, right?" She told me she was crying because I'm always encouraging her and telling her it'll be ok... Haha, of course I do. I love Tara so much, and she's means more to me than she'll ever know... And I just want her to be happy and well. So I called up mami so she can find out if she could find me some cheap tickets so I can go in the end of March for the baby shower. And I told her what happened and why I NEEDED to go. Mami felt terrible about it and wondered how a father could be like that to his daughter. She told me to tell Tara that she's considered family and whatever she needs she just needs to say the word.
So, I told her that and she said she cried some more. It totally wasn't my intention, but I wanted her to know that family doesn't always have to mean blood ties.