Nov 22, 2012 13:25

Okay so it's been forever, but I figured I should finally post some pictures from my Big Bang concert adventure at the Prudential Center.

I should first mention I am not a diehard Big Bang fan, I just love kpop concerts. And my cousin was coming to visit (her dad paid for our tickets OMG) and I got to catch up with friends! Met up with uledy, met tiggie0307 and hung out while waiting in line for merch and then OMG running into dj_retro and sparrowxx without even knowing they were going to be there.

Also our concert tickets were amazing and were ten rows off the floor!!! PLUS WE HAD ACCESS TO THE PLATINUM LOUNGE! It was an all you can eat buffet and so worth it! Plus we actually got the tickets for less than what they were worth because they were my brother's friend's dad's seats. OMG YAY. Okay so picspam time.

photos, concert

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