Come to disneyworld!! BRING MONEY.

Oct 21, 2010 11:50

Hey everyone!

Yeah, I know, neglecting the silly silly livejournal again. Neglectnig it so much my paid account ran out :( I might pay for it again if I have the money when I get paid, and have enough after paying bills. Like my cell phone bill. I hate Verizon. I only have four more months with them left, and then I am leaving and never coming back. I've had such poor customer support there it's not even funny.

Anyways, this month I had some exciting times!! I went to Disneyworld for about four days while dad had some sort of work meeting thing. It was at one of the disney resourts, so it was really nice. We hung by the pool, I got sunburned (natch) and lost weight, actually. Two days we went to the parks, the first day Epcot (which was SO AWESOME) which I always enjoy. I had a blast in the french and japanese quarters, and had good food, good drink, and did some shopping. Yay :3 The next day we went to Magic Kingdom, and OMG SO COOL. I was there eleven years ago when I was what? fourteen? fifteen? And I had a broken arm. So I couldn't do ANYTHING. But This time we went on a few: Haunted Masion (my choice) POTC (mom's) This cute Lilo and Stich ride (Dad's), some weird/awkward boat ride thing (Dad's choice haha) and then cars!! (joint choice :P) we didn't go on It's a small world or the teacups because they both were closed down for repair. Boo :(

All in all, it was a lovely time. It was a much needed repreive, because Ohio was SO BLOODY COLD!! Jesus!!!

Oh, also? I got new glasses. I'm picking them up today. Woo!! It's been the main reason why i've had headaches these past few days.

Chorale concert tomorrow!! I absolutely cannot wait. I love them so much. <33 singing makes me happy like what, guys :'D

Anyways, that's what's new. HOW IS EVERYONE.

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