(no subject)

Sep 22, 2010 09:56

Hay everyone!! Que Pasa?

Took an exam in spanish this morning and I think I passed. As long as I put my accents in the right place. That always mucks me up. :(

Yesterday I went to the ear, nose, and throat doctor. Doctor Fuentes is a nice man, but *GOD* he can be such a smartass!! He took a look at my tonsils and apparently he wants 'em to go because they're HUGE. He's mentioned this every single time i've seen him. Yes, I know they're huge. No, I do not want you to remove them right now, thank you. I cannot afford the time off at the moment.

He also took a look at my nose and ugh..he had to get the smallest thing to spread apart and then proceeded to PULL OUT BOOGERS. yes, thank you. I knew I should have blown my nose before I went in. Ug, so gross. I have dry nostrls though, so I need to put vasoline in them daily. Oh joy.

Finally, he took a look at my ears, which seem to eb just fine. I do have some blood in the back of my eardrums, but nothing as it was when I first got checked up. Nauturally, with turners, i'll have some hearing loss, but I don't need hearing aids...yet. I don't think it'll get to that point.

Otherwise, things as normal. I worked a lot this week, so when I get paid, it'll be suhweet!!!

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