are my angel...come from way above

Sep 14, 2010 13:17

Hi everyone!!

I had a great birthday!!

I got lots of awesome pressies, the best being vintage 70's 80's star trek blue prints from my boy!! Oh my god, it was soooo awesome!!!

I also got a blu-ray/DVD player from my parents. WAY AWESOME. It was pretty easy to hook up, and once I got it hooked up to the eithernet cable, It could connect to the internet!! So I can listen to Pandora Radio in the morning and all that jazz, while I drink my coffee and such.

I got my first blu-ray DVD at best buy!! Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home. Easily one of my favorites. It was pretty awesome to see the difference between my i-tunes bought copy and my blue-ray!!! <3333

Had dinner at a nice italian place called Brio! Then we all saw The American it was pretty good! George Clooney is a badass in it, and the cinematography is amazing. If you're looking for a good spy movie, then go go go!! It reminded me of another spy movie I really liked, called The Comformist . Just as trippy, honestly.

Other than that, i'm trying to keep up with my homework :( not too much so far!!!
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