If it's inconvient, come anyways.

Aug 09, 2010 13:04

My goodness...I keep neglecting my journal :< poor lj.

Anyways, lots has happened. First off, I want to thank everyone for their support during my uncles passing. It helped a lot. He's at rest now, and although mom is still dealing with it, she's slowly healing, which is a good thing. Day by day, she'll get better. We only have to support her.

I'm heading back to school soon, and i'm taking a full quarter. A bit of the last I need for my english degree, along with gen eds I stupidly neglected to work on when I began. I know, I know, i'm kicking myself for it, but getting them done as quick as I can will be good. I just want to be done before WSU switches to semesters and it's harder to switch credits around and such.

My best friend Rachel was here for two weeks, and it was wonderful!! :) we hung out together and went into town to shop a few times. it was fantastic! She really liked YS and thought it was totally cute. We also took bigger trips such as going to the Columbus zoo :) She got to see manatees for the first time ever, which really REALLY made her happy. We came at a good time too, because they were all feeding and very active. We even saw a young one nursing!!

We also saw Inception which BLEW ME AWAY!! It's probably one of the smartest movies this summer. It started my new crush on Joseph Gordon Levett, who can wear the HELL out of a suit!!! Along with Leo, too.

In other watchig news, I'm started Sherlock which is AMAZING. <333 so much love!!! <3333

Anyways, i'm pretty much chilling for two days. On Wednesday, I'm heading out to New York to visit Alex before he goes off to Peace Corp stuff. I can't wait, it should be a really good time. The weather down there has actually been pretty nice, from what Rach has been telling me. :)

Love you all, be good!!

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