(no subject)

May 28, 2010 10:32

Hey everyone!

So these past few weeks i've been getting ready for FINALS. Oh god. My poli-sci final is going to be a bitch and a half. He's going to be posting a study guide sometime today, so hopefully I'll know what's what. And if there's a reveiw session, you better bet my ass is going to that party. I need to pass this class.

I'm also taking summer A classes here, which means about five weeks of classes instead of the usual ten. I'm just taking as many hours as I can to get the hell out of here. I actually am pretty close (I have all my major requirements pretty much met) I just need to get some General classes out of the way.

Doctor stuff-lately i've been breaking out worse than I ever have. Like, my face is red splotches and acne and EW. I went to my general doc and was like "oh hai wats up, mai face" and yesterday they sent back test results going "lulz, we dun kno y ur face iz breakin' outz. ur hormonez r ok! Stop taking medz u don't taek anywayz, lul." So I am going to call them today and be like "OH MY GOD PLEASE HELP ME!" Mom said she's going to try and make an appointment with her dermatologist (she has pretty bad eccema) so i'm hoping that happens. My face has never been this bad, and even with foundation it's still pretty gross. :<

I've also been suffering from allergies! MY NOSE WILL NOT STOP RUNNING. I AM A WALKING SNOT FACTORY. I KNOW, IT'S LOVELY. TRUST ME, I DON'T LIKE IT ANYMORE BETTER THAN YOU LIKE HEARING IT :< FML. It's been accompanied by nosebleeds due to the agitation, so if it continues, I might have to get my nose cauterized again. NOOO.

Otherwise life is normal :)

How are you all?

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