Dec 31, 2004 10:14
I sat up all night thinging about who my real friends are n i relized its the people that popped right in my mind not the people i was trying to prove were my real friends ... I care about u all n what happens to you ... only a few feel that way back ... n fewer love me n protect me. my mom told me " you only have a few true friends " dont loose them keep them close the others you'll see in time if they are there or not.. MY mom wwas right in a way but wrong in an another . friends are friends no matter how much u piss them off or how much they piss you off. friends are there with no benifits friends listen but , tel you to shut up when they got some advice to give. they give the advice n want you to follow it . they want you to be happy even if there not.
they let u keep secrets from them n they understand but when u tell them they are joyed u shared. there people to hang wit people to hug people to tell you its ok n stop the tears but when u continue to cry they new you would. there there when they can be , there when they should be n there when they could be.
they care as much about u n care about them... they help ur heart mend .. even if its a about a crush or a relitives death they make you feel special n they are your FRIEND. alot of people think anyone who calls them n says its ok or goes to a movie with or has a sleep over its a FRIEND .. n i did think this too . but i've come to relize theres chill buddys ( cool people to spend time with) then theres who stay up with u on line or on the phone at night when u just need someone. everyone fights but when all is said my friends are :
Sam , Harrison , RIck , SHONDA , MIKE h ,BRITT n Christina ,Mario ,JESSICA,SEan when he has time for me. AS the years go by that list will probably get shorter n this i'm ready for. <3 allwayz , MEGAN... SrrY if i care about u but i dont consider u a friend maybe one day.