Mar 25, 2004 21:05
I'm sitting in my room, watching the Apprentice and I just finished cleaning the keys of my computer. Wow, I am so boring lol. I talked to Aaron for like 2 hours earlier tonight. We were seriously talking about this apartment in the fall. I don't know if it's going to happen really, but I'm weighing the pros and cons since I do have 6 months to think about this and decide if it's what I really want. I mean, if we live together, obviously I'll be happy about the fact I'm close to the man I love and we'll be taking our relationship to the next level at an appropriate time. In September, we'll have been together for 19 months and at nearly 2 years into the relationship, we need to find out if we can go to that next level and become a stronger couple. Another pro is that if Aaron is living here, he will most likely be able to go back to some type of school and I can help him with his bookwork if that is the part that's not her forte (is that how you spell that? Who knows...) On the other hand, a con is that it could be distracting for me to have Aaron around when I have a lot of serious classwork to get done. It's gonna be my senior year, no more fucking around. If I don't have my nose in a book at least 6 hours a day, there's something wrong. So these are the things weighing on my mind right this moment. If anyone has any other pros or cons that they think would be good for me to consider, please write a comment and let me know... I could use all the help I can get...
143 Aaron =)