Nov 29, 2005 23:18
-- Name: Amanda
-- Birthday: 09-02-86
-- Current Location: The computer room at my house.. it's about 12:47am. :(
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: brown... with a whole bunch of colors in it!
-- Height: 5'2
-- Righty or Lefty: righty!!
-- Zodiac Sign: VirGO
-- Your heritage: um southern and alil spanish
-- The shoes you wore today: my comfy brown work shoes..
-- Your weakness: :( Too forgiving. Blaming myself for everything. Boys. You.
-- Your fears: Fears come and go right?
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: being perfect
-- Your most overused phrase/word on AIM: lol
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Awwwl man.... gimme 15 more mins!
-- Your best physical feature: my big........brown eyes!! haha
-- Your bedtime: normally like 11ish
LAYER FOUR: Do you..
-- Smoke: Nope..
-- Curse: yeah
-- Sing: heck yes I do! lol
-- Take a shower everyday: yep sometimes twice
-- Have a crush(es): um lil more
-- Do you think you've been in love: If you're in love with someone..dont they have to be in love with you too?
-- Like high school: not really
-- Want to get married: Yeah.. and sometimes no. I fear divorce.. Mainly b/c of my real dad.
-- Think you're attractive: yeah sometimes
LAYER SIX: In the past month have you..
-- Drank alcohol: haha yeah
-- Smoked: still no
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Had Sex: hahaha yesssss
-- Made Out: hahaha yessss
-- Gone to the mall?: yep
-- Been on stage: Does the spot light count????
-- Made homemade cookies: nope
-- Gone skinny dipping: ummmmmm no
-- Dyed your hair: Um.. that is a monthly requirement
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yeppers ;)
-- If so, was it mixed company: um yeah haha.. I'm not a LOSER! ha, playing stripping by myself!
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yessssiiirrr
-- Been caught "doing something": ha.. always seems to happen that way..
-- Been called a tease: yep
-- Gotten beaten up: haha no
-- Shoplifted: i think so
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Nope.. I am me, love me or leave me.
-- Age you hope to be married: umm like 22-23
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2, Chloe Denise, Chax Taylor
-- Describe your dream wedding: Family, friends.. white.. PERFECT.. :)
-- How do you want to die: quickly
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy.
-- last car ride: tonight..
-- last romantic kiss: ummm maybe like a week or so ago?
-- last good cry: ha. tonight
-- last book read: Spanish Holiday (currently)
-- last crush: oh my..
-- last phone call: Lauren
-- last time showered: this morning
-- last shoes worn: My roxy flip flops
-- last cd played: a mixed cd
-- last song downloaded: ???
-- last annoyance: the SLOW computer
-- last disappointment: I missed the season get together of the real world
-- last soda drank: umm like 3 days ago
-- last word written: my signature
-- last key used: a house key
-- last word spoken: bye
-- last sleep: last night
-- last IM: Ben Grey
-- last sexual fantasy: ummm ha, a min ago?! =P
-- last time wanting to die: ive never wanted to die
-- last time hugged: tonight...
-- last time you were slapped in the ass: hahaha, that's daily
-- last lipstick used: DER, today for work..
-- last underwear worn: cute see thru red thongs!
-- last bra worn: a white one
-- last shirt worn: a work shirt
-- last time you told a friend you "lurve" them: ???? haven't a clue
-- last time someone made you cry: too soon to forget
-- last time someone broke your heart: :(
-- last time you made someone cry: umm, Gee, I dont know..
-- last time someone wrote something sweet to you: wrote? i don't know.. I dont really get sweet notes anymore.. =(
-- last time someone wrote you a funny note: ?? again don't know
-- last time dancing: Sat night.. Pleasure Island BABY!!
-- last show attended: A Disney show? lol