Feb 05, 2007 21:38
It would help if they didn't look like baby prison. There are gates everywhere and bars on the windows. This is of course good from the point of view of not wanting the tykes to get out, or indeed any unauthorised person to get in, but all it needed was spray painting of 'Free the Wakefield One' to finish the overall impression. v2.0 was dropped off with her bag. She was hugging the young blonde assistant with great delight. I really wish they had webcams there. I'd like to see what she is doing, check she is OK. Make sure the other babies aren't pointing at her. Make sure she's happy. Would quit in a heartbeat if necessary, but how do you know if its necessary?
I've been off sick with flu so have done nothing all day other than drop her off at nursery. Not a thing. Honest Mr Boss sir, I'm not skiving. cough cough. M however has cleared the garden, sorted the dishwasher, got rid of rubbish at the tip, done the washing up, prepared all the feeds, done the ironing, done two loads of washing, tidied up, cooked tuna (yum).
We've got her a new chair. It's really sweet she can sit up. Got her a new car chair too actually. Boy she loves facing forwards. Giggled non stop.
Picked her up with the pushchair. She seemed OK. Smiled to see us which was nice, but didn't seem /relieved/ as such. If anything I would say she looked happier today than I have been. She was apparently a very happy kid all afternoon. Not too demanding (makes me wonder what the other kids are like - she always chunters for me every 5 mins).
Christening this weekend...