Hey what's up LJ? I haven't updated in a hot minute ! I mean a long ass time! I'm surprised that you all haven't deleted me. Anyway I'm getting ready 2 go 2 school in three weeks. This is my last week working at McDonalds. Awww I know... *teardrop* its hella fun and no I don't work on food before yall try to make fun or something.... Lately I've been acting like Dr. Phil to some of my friends and family. Basically the girls dealing with their boy "problems". I tell them stuff that I should've done when I had that issue. I'm talking to my cousin Robin and this broad got a nextel at 13. I wish I was like her....Anyway I got my service switched over to t-mobile... Ahhh the feeling of not having niggas you don't want calling your DAMN phone! I do miss my free incoming though and free min. after 7. Umm here are some updated pictures of me. DIVASTYLE!