My last semester.

Feb 03, 2005 20:14

Here is a fun and quick review of my classes for my final semester.

MGMT470 - International Marketing. You know, I'm pretty excited about this class. It's pretty fun, as all management classes are, and some of my favorite people are in it (Travis, the smart guy, Melissa, etcc). It's only 50 minutes so I like it even more. The bad side? 8 o' clock in the morning. Sigh.

COMM351 - Propaganda and Public Opinion. Oh, Dr. Watson. He's crazy. Class consists of staring at the clock, wondering why Dr. Watson is laughing at himself, oh, and we've already watched Hitler. Sweet. It can't be too hard, except I don't think I'm learning anything when a professor explains what a "montage" is. I don't think that's going to be on the midterm...

ARCHERY - Is well, archery. There are business majors in my class, sigh. I wanted a break from them. :/

FIN410 - Interntaional Finance. My professor is from Turkey, and her body shape makes me laugh. She is tall, and somehow, any weight gain goes to her middle, but her legs remain skinny, with only her face and stomach showing said weight gain. It's odd. I do like her, minus the "Powerpoint slides straight from the book" - but it's still really interactive, and she's smart and kind of mean, so I like her.

GERMAN347 - Business German. I like this German class, and my favorite part is the 201 kids, because I feel like I know so much more than them. Annette is my favorite person in the class, we turned our exercises today into one big joke, and now I have permission to leave on time (Frau Ter Jung lets her classes out 10 minutes past the real ending time).

BOWLING - I suck, but it's fun. But I do suck.

BUS475 - Capstone. I like this class. Very interactive, very talkative, and I'm already the troublemaker. I don't care, it's just because I like to talk. We have the only 5 person group - which I am okay with, I wanted a good group. It's really fun, lots of talking and debating and not a lot of "lecture" or "notes."

GERMAN499 - Independent Study. The only one that hasn't met yet. A business major kid is in it - I'm excited to have someone new (and someone other than the extremely annoying John Paul). The only problem is the Friday 11-1150 meeting time, but that's how I'll be ending my week, after starting them at 8am on Monday, Wendesday and Friday.

...and that rounds out my semester that's ahead.
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