(no subject)

May 12, 2006 15:57

Probably quite big again...

Not a Friends-Only Post so non-LJ friends can see some pics if they so wish!

Hannah, Michael, Diaz, Carys E, Anwen (looking attractive with the crisps) and Sarah's arm.

Pfeiffer and Holwill are the main themes for this pic, including a little bit of Joanne and Rhidian and Goosey...I think...

Mr Dai Kennett

Mills and an attractive packet of crisps

This is going to be hard...
On the floor from left; Anwen, Holwill, me and Sarah.
Middle; Joanne, Mills, Daniel, Owain and frizbee, Pfeiffer, Hannah and Sarah.
Back; Goosey, Mike O, Diaz, Mike J, Rhidian, Dai, Carys E and Natalie.
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