your lips give you away. . .

Apr 02, 2006 06:27

Yesterday was freakin great;; no scratch that- KICKASS! lol

At about 9, me liv jade kirsten and kendra all went to Johnson City to go shoppin! It was the greatest ever haha

Anywho, we got there around 12 cause mom had to stop at 7865784365784 places on the way haha.
We hit hollister first && i bout spent all my money in there. . .on 3 freakin things! haha it was crazy.

Then we just went to different stores && hung out. .it was so fun haha
Omgosh, and kendra got 2 band shirts while we were at hot topic! i was so proud of her lol
i turned her into a hot topic fanatic like me...hahaha
i got a Mae shirt from there, cause they freakin rule hehe *

Other than goin to the mall, we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home in Norton *
"there's dakota johnson!"- Me
"why dont he just go to college or somethin"- Jade

LMAO! that cracked me up...she's such a dorkwad lol

on the way home, we talked on the walkie-talkie's mom brought along so her && jess could talk and make sure he got there okay haha.
me & kirstie talked to liv, kendra, and jade (they were in the car with mom and me and kirsten were in the car with jess && whit haha)
we had walkie-talkie names lmao. . .

Me: Syde-burns
Jade: Pablo
Liv: Tad-pole
Kendra Meredith: Popeye
Kirstie: Ghetto Train

we're such dorks...oh lordy lmao

Shew, but all in all, the trip was kickass! =) haha
thank you guys for comin with me! ya'll are my loves lol

Then after i got home, i had about 20 mins. to get ready and head on down to the school for the concert *
Me jess && whit picked up liv on the way down there =)

Oh my freakin' gosh. . im so in love with nineball, like not even jokin! haha
i got there at about 10 after 7 and Calling all Cars JUST started. . they're my love also! =)
i started lookin for people when i got there cause i didnt see jade or anybody- - && wouldnt ya know it, i seen my bestest friend EVER. . .Mary Morgan Phillips! I swear i think we were separated at birth lmao
She's my sister && new rock-out partner haha *
&& omgosh, me and her are SOO good at screamin! we practiced our screaming skills w/speak of the end and let me tell ya, we kick ass at it lol
Other than hangin out with her, i hung out with wesley adam, jade, dust, ethan, sasha, && about everyone else that was there! =)
Dust got the shit knocked out of him by Nick Osbourne haha =/
poor thing- nick accidentally headbutted him && he got a gash above his eye && it was bleedin pretty bad *
he went to jades house && got fixed up, and then they came back lol
He's a trooper! haha

But i guess thats it. .

Update Later!
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