(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 09:54

sumtimes i just dont know.....
dont get me wrong this isnt a depressing entry cuz for the most part im happy....
and doin alot better then the last time i wrote....
i just wish sum things could be different like certain situations.
only 1 person knows what im talkin about and other then him id rather not share....
just vent.
i duno sumtimes i wish i could go back in time and try to keep things the same but i guess in life things change and people change, as much as u wana keep them the same.
on a better note....
things are startin to look better again...
other then the fact that we have to go threw this whole thing all ova again in the spring time but hopefully that will be alot easier then it was this time.
theres alot of things i hope to accomplish in the next year and the way things are goin its all lookin good!
and for every1 who eva doubted me i have a 4.0 gpa the highest ive eva had in my life.

well thats all i guta say for now (cuz i guta go back to class)
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