Nothing Better to do

Apr 26, 2006 21:29

Ok I guess I will update . Well lets see what can i talk about. Monday was a good day. Woke up at 6:00am got ready for school. Then at 6:50 my ride came and I went to school. 1st hour-- Didnt really do anything but talk to jeni and laugh all hour.We was talking about what we was gonna do after school. 2nd hour.. didnt do anything there is noone in that hour to talk to . 3rd was ok i skipped to Jeni's class because my class sucks.Didnt stay in there long because i forgot i had work to do in my class lol. 4th hour is the best its my cookin class :0) 5th and 6th hour is the funest hours because of Jeni . We talk and write notes all hour . After school reshuad picked me her and Nate up from school and we went to her house to drop off her stuff then we went to the mall at the mall Reshuad was laughin like crazy. Nate and Jeni wanted to go to taco bell and reshuad wanted to walk around more and they didnt want us to so jeni pulled me and i pulled reshuad .So we went and ate well Nate did me and reshuad and jeni just sat there lookin crazy .. well Reshuad said something stupid to me so i went back down stairs and he fellowed me so we walked around TOGETHER. We went to look at prom dresses because he is my date. :) :) :)We went to that one store that has all the sex things and playboy.... it was funny lookin at sex things with reshuad is so funny he grabs everything hahha

well after we left that store we went to look for nate and jeni come to find out jeni left her phone at home i knew that but i forgot so we are callin it . So we had to walk around the whole mall looking for them they was walkin right pass us and we didnt know lol we are blind !!

After the mall we went to bestbuy and when we got there Jeni's bf friend called and was yellin at her because she was with me and Reshaud didnt tell him about Nate shhhhh....After best buy we went to KFC bc me and jeni was wanting it bad .Reshuad wasnt gonna take us because he said we should of ate at the mall but we didnt want to . SO he took us and we sat there eatin in front of the two crazy boys. They were just lookin at us the whole time.. I hated it so i stoped eatin and gave my food to Reshuad so did Jeni. He ate like 3 bits off both of our chicken then said lets go and we were like nope we are not not ready and him and Nate walk to the car without us and get in . We was like leave we dont care but Reshuad wouldnt leave. After we left we droped of nate well the car ride to nates house was crazy Nate was yellin out the window " WHAT" to everyone he seen it was funny and Reshaud was laughtin the whole time and singing to me :) aww!!! after nates house we droped off Jeni and went back to his house. At his house we watch America Pie band camp well tryed to ........................hahahahhaha thats all i am sayin


Boring ass day just sat at my house with reshuad and talked on the phone with him till 12 ..

Today something i did tuesday .... how fun

what a good three days.

well i just got off the phone with Reshuad and Jimmy

Jimmy will be back HOME in a couple of days cant wait to see my buddy . Its been awhile .. Its gonna be fun to hangout with him again. We have alot of fun kinda. But the only thing is hangingout with him i cant hangout with Reshuad the same day :( but its all good ..

Well this is the longest entry i have ever typed maybe its because ii am soooooooooooo happyyyyyyyyy
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