1. I believe you mentioned once upon a time that you were married once. What happened?
Aye, I was, exactly 2 weeks shy of 3 years. Had my lawyer not twisted some arms to get my court date rescheduled, it would have been EXACTLY 3 years (07/02/94 - 07/02/97).
Well, when Therese aand I moved in, there was a little accident (an accident who turned 13 this year). We talked about it, and decided the best thing to do was to give him up for adoption, as we were totally incapable of being parents at that time. Neither of us were mature enough, nor were we in a good enough financial situation.
So, after that, we went ahead and got married and moved to Florida. We wound up working opposite shifts (me morning, her evening) and she started spending lots of time on AOL, specifically in a chat area called the Red Dragon Inn. She'd be on there from the time she got home (10 PM) until she had to drive me to work the next morning, then she'd sleep until she had to come get me so I could take her to work. Needless to say, this kind of ruined whatever social or sex life we might have had.
Then, she drops the bombshell on me that she wanted to get divorced, because she had met her 'soulmate' in the RDI: a 60 year old retired Air Force colonel. She had made some trips up to Georgia to visit him while I was out of town visiting my family, and just wanted to leave me behind. She tried dumping all of the pain and heartache she felt over letting someone adopt our son onto me, claiming it was all my fault.
So, to make a long story short, she fucked around on me with someone old enough to be her grandfather, and I just let her go.
2. At what age did you reach your current height?
I think it was around 17 or so.
3. What brought you this point in your religious views?
Well, I was born and raised in the Methodist faith, and was confirmed (think baptism, but no water) when I was 14 or so. Not too long afterwards, I started to question my faith, as most kids that age do. Kicked around the fringes of some other religions for a while, then I met Therese (she who would become my ex-wife). We had some long talks about religion (she was a recovering Roman Catholic), and it just kind of took off from there. My current Egyptian leanings come from the fact that I've always been fascinated by the Egyptian culture, and it just 'feels' right, ya know?
4. Is there something that you never get sick of?
Hrm. Music, I guess. There are certain songs that I can listen to over and over again, and they still sound sweet.
5. Is there something that always pisses you off?
Parents who push their kids into things before those kids can even express a desire to do it, like
a 'beauty pageant' for 0 to 15 month olds. Fer fucks sake, just let your kids have a childhood where they can discover what they like and what they want to do!!