Aug 06, 2005 19:32
Well I just got done reading a few journals of others that I don't know but what I read depresses me instead of me smiling and being happy for those I read. I guess it depends what area you are from but these people are just kids and they are pregnant and married....and haven't even really dated or known each other in fact for that long. Well at least from the one I read. But the person is sooooo happy. I'm glad cuz down the road things may fail and maybe not. But I guess from this area you tend to be barefoot and pregnant. I just wish they would pursue something besides being pregnant and married at a very very young age and having a minimum wage job and thinking it is totally great. But I shouldn't judge people like least they are working. There are some that don't and won't. I don't know...this just depresses me, I wish they would want more in life. But guess that is the kind of life they choose. I have a niece their age and she is going to further her knowledge and have a better life. I just wish people wouldn't hop into a marriage so soon or even get pregnant at that....but they act like it is the most normal thing for them to do...I guess I shouldn't be so harsh and judgmental...but that is how I am...oh well...can't talk about it depresses me that this is all they see in their future