Apr 29, 2005 22:14
Wow try-outs r in exactly 2 weeks n 3 days!! That means 17 days!!!! Wow im so nervous/scared! Im nervous because i dont want to stop in the middle of the dance n look lost!And im scared because im scared if i dont make it! I really want the possition! I know some of the ppl that r trying out r trying out just to say they'r an officer! n thats what im scared about! Because i know i really want it n i want it to keep the guard good like now n even better! I want it real bad! But i know that if i dont make it mrs.shepard picked someone who was a better leader then me.And hey in the long run i'll say "i tried out". But i realy want it bad! But anyways today Erika helped me with the dance.The dance is realy nice. Its a psychotic dance but its really nice n it goes with the song! I just hope i dont laph in the try-outs. Shes gonna stay with me like almost everyday to help me clean the dance up untill i get it perfect 3 times in a row!!!!! O0O and also yese is going to help START OUT my flag work thats all i need.Because i can do things after i get them started! starting is the hardest part! Well ima go n listen to my try-out song and go over the dance in my head so i wont forget. I mean i dont want erika to think that she wasted 3 hours teaching me something for nothing!!! I wanna make her proud of me because everytime we do across the floor she always looks at me like i dont try but i really do so now i want to make her proud!!!!!