easter wha' wha'

Mar 27, 2005 13:37

it's easssttterrr, ay ay ay ay ay!!! wow i just had a kelly wynne moment! arciussoimefcxwiusdfhcskd i love spring break. stuck in MI in the cold, but hey sb in the ville aint to bad..me n rie are having fun still =D.

chelseaaa i hope youre having fun in NYC! ahh im so jealous

i got a new purse and matching wallet from el "bunny" awooga. and lots of chocolate. and a chocolate bunny from where else? CONNECTICUT. cuz thats where all the good shiz comes from fools.

i hope everyone is having a good vaca, especially jeffiner...ahhh! win big bucks at the casino on urrrr cruise!

yesssss. finally a new desperate housewives is on tonight. the five reruns in a row thing was killing me..haha yes, im a tv freak. i actually watch the oc every week--and desperate housewives--and oprah--and trl...and well..you get the point. kind of sad isnt it? well whatev, it floats mah booaaattt.

smmochh times a trillion. ayyiieee!
                     allie ballie
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