
Mar 12, 2005 20:43

cheese. i havnt updated for a while..well for me neways.

so last night me n amanda went to the hillside carnival where we met up with bin, sarah, sarah, hayley((amanda's cuz)), and her friend..emily i think? then um some guys and other home dizzles we saw there. it was kinda fun..we met this one amazingly hott guy, that we called sexy the whole night..and i got his sn..SCORE. then me n man came back to my house and we went in our hott tub, and patrick and garr came and put there feet in..then we went in and slept. joy. ahahah..then  in the morning i pretended to be amanda's mom and called alexass' ex-gay-sevi- boyfriend, and yelled at him through a voice mail and told him to stop txting amanda cuz he was costing our 'family' money. haha nice.

ok so i havnt had a boyfriend in over a year...andy was my last one! can u flippin blieve that?! i know, right? i broke up w. hime 2 days before v.day of '04. shizzle....time flys. so this year im so---i dunno ,lonley?! but i mean cmon, my options suckkk. can't wait for highschool. and everyone here is like "why do u wanna go so bad" and i am just like"you would never get it" its like getting a second chance to start over, and ill do it right this time. most people here don't no ALLIE.

grrblacj,keoa xcuwhynvgui w.yess. hope u tdcers did freaking hott at the competition.

ok so my friends list is screwed..so u have to add me first so i can add you.....

holy shnizzle amanda's friend andrew is hott, and he has a twin that is apparently even hotter? nice. highschool's looking up.


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