snow day

Mar 01, 2005 14:33

ahhhh.yesh. so today is a snowwww day!! owa owa!..even tho i want the stupid ugly no good snow to go away for MR. SEXY SUN<----hahahahha chels TO COME OUT!!

ok so over the weekend my bros, won the league championships<< for swimming and diving..for the first time ever in NORTHVILLE's history. so that was pretty exciting, after the meet my fam and i went out to lunch//dinner at chili's and then we came back home--got ready and went to a party thing for the swim/dive team. it was boring at first but then it was aight. me n kara pretty much hung out the whole time , with the guys downstairs. that was fun i guess. i mean some of the guys are hott--so that's always a plus.

oh ATTN AVON KIDS. hey guys. lots of ya just got new LJ'S ..ex: maja, claire, any setuo is being gay so i cant add any friends unless they add me first, so add away =D...and wow ill feel like the biggest loser if no one i care.===>>oh and CLAIRE-- gnarley--haha that word is hott.

well im outtie till next time. leave one


to chelsea- im so confused about the layout thing? explain.

amanda-hurry up with ur pictures!!

and everyone else..

I'M OFFICIALLY VISITING THIS SUMMER..we're driving down near graduation so my bro can see his friends graduate. YESSSS. someone up there must love me.
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