Feb 03, 2005 16:41
ok melanie if going to like chop my head off cuz i havnt gotten those pics up on my LJ yet...but i dont get it it worked when i first had them on..then like a week later..just stopped! sorry!!! i will eventually fix it up tho if i get bored enough to actually read melanie's crazy instructions and then ACTUALLY make sense of them. well here's some convos of me n mel's to keep you busy!..ill actually write more about my boringggg life later.
dancersKiKass07: lets see...
dancersKiKass07: we got a new door!
dancersKiKass07: the back one near the closet
shortty270: woaaaaa!!!!
dancersKiKass07: these constructiony people like came and knocked down the purple door and put up a glass one with white little framy window things
dancersKiKass07: its weird
shortty270: why?
dancersKiKass07: too much light, and we can see across the streeet
dancersKiKass07: scary people stare at us o_0
shortty270: really!? they STARE at you!
dancersKiKass07: they walk by and look in
dancersKiKass07: eee
shortty270: wieeerrrddd!
dancersKiKass07: bruces head fell off
dancersKiKass07: :-( and its reluctant to screw back on
dancersKiKass07: so im going to bring ductape, hotglue, and gauze tomorrow and fix him up
shortty270: :-(waaahhhh!!!!! not brucieee!!
shortty270: couldnt it have been shiela?!
dancersKiKass07: and then i'll wrap the gauze around him and write something on it, like a cast :-D
shortty270: yayyy! dr. melanie ur a genius! fix me?
dancersKiKass07: fix you?
shortty270: yes im broken
dancersKiKass07: ill fix you right up!
dancersKiKass07: love is the best medicine :-*
dancersKiKass07: ::sends allie love::
shortty270: :-*ooohhh!!! thats what i was hoping for!
dancersKiKass07: ::sends allie a tiny bit more love in a little packet incase she ever gets hurt and im not around to send it to her right away::
shortty270: ::squeaks with excitment and hides the tiny bit of love somewhere so she wont loose it;-):
shortty270: :
dancersKiKass07: eee:-)
dancersKiKass07: me and britt constantly write your name on the whiteboard in the studio lol
dancersKiKass07: so no one in any class forgets
shortty270: ReAlLyyy!!!???
shortty270: ohhh i feel so special!!
dancersKiKass07: :-D
shortty270: ::sigh::
dancersKiKass07: ohhhhhh yah. and we have captains now ::rolls eyes::
shortty270: ewwww
dancersKiKass07: there should be a rolling eye smilie
dancersKiKass07: anyways
shortty270: like who
shortty270: yeah there should!!
dancersKiKass07: yah, at this christmas party thing, kelley andalicia braught it up and said it would be a good idea and (basically) that it should be them because next year is their last year
shortty270: pfff!!!
dancersKiKass07: and so everyone voted and snice they currupted everyones minds they won
shortty270: grrrr.
dancersKiKass07: you know... because they have all the experience ::rolls eyes once more::
shortty270: if only i would have been there
shortty270: you know things would be different
dancersKiKass07: i got alot of votes though jenn said, but they would have flipped if they didnt win
shortty270: i will currupt their minds even more!!!
shortty270: well poo on them
shortty270: weve been dancing longer
shortty270: and they're older
shortty270: so hahahhaha to them
dancersKiKass07: yah, its weird, they dont even have like any captain duties. its just like a label.
shortty270: and so what if they FLIP OUT? they can get over it! they brought it up!
dancersKiKass07: tis dumb. we dont need a captain, we're not like a highschool sport.
shortty270: wow...desperation
shortty270: yeah seriously...i mean really you dont even have a teacher!
i love you melanie, and brittany, and jennifer, and ashlee, and allie, and kelly, and alicia, and alyssa, and evvverrryyyy other dance chica that i was to lazy to write....my memories carry me through!*