Dec 29, 2004 20:01
hello all you wonderfulsss!
how was you're vacation/christmas/holiday? wooowwie kazowie that was a lot of slashes! ok so anyways...mine was greeeaaattt! we went to every park..and i rode all the shiznizzle rides! my family are such pooperscoopers...i had to like drag my papster on tower of terror with me...and plead my brothers to go on space mountain..haha..then i took my sister onto splash mountian with me n momsey...we told her it wasn't a big drop. she actually believed me and then we were on the ride and she saw it..and FREAKED. but she didnt really say a word till AFTER the drop she started to cry...but you know that sweet little girl cry...ohh it was so cute/sad. so the other good rides i went on were test track and mission space at epcot...test track was off the heazy cus its like this thing where they test the cars and you go really fast and things pop out at you...but the ride was kinda weak i mean the car only went up to 75 mph i could just ask my dad to drive me somewhere and it would be like that...haha. mission space was pretty sweet they like enclose you in the little module and you feel these awesome G forces...and then you're spossed to feel weightlessness....but i didnt feel brother told me i was crazy. haha i guess i am! but anyways i didnt get to go on rockin rollercoaster cuz of the pouring rain and lonnnnggg lines..and the fact that i was the only one in my familia who wanted to go on im kinda bumbed..and i didnt get to go on big thunder mountain railroad..which is like one of my favorite rides cuz like me n my sis n mom went together while my dad n bros went to workout cuz they are like "big buff swimmers" er my sis didnt want to go on so my mom would have to stay with her and sorry but im not a big fan of waiting in a huggeee line alone. but other than that my visit was day it never stoped pouring rain though so of course we were wearing our nice plastic disney ponchos and our wonderful mickey mouse umbrella's but i still got soaked...which sucked major. but we did get to go to a japanese place where they cooked on the table--which i lovvveeee. and then we went to this like candlelight concert chorus thing where gary senise narrorated a christmas story (he's the guy from forest gump who is luitenant dan...u know the one who ends up without legs..and he is also in csi NY) so that was pretty awesome. then we spent 2 nights at my gparents and that was great cuz i love seeing them..and my cousin and aunt and uncle came our last cousin's that was all jolly good. and i got home yesterday..
we opened our xmas gifts and i got some pretty sweeetttt stuff! A PINK MINI IPOD...which i still have to figure out how to use! a popcorn popper with some black jewel..i think only kelly n marie will know what that baby is. umm...a sparkly lava lamp..some cute clothes..oh my sis gave me a pink fom pillow from know those awesome i was killer happy. oooo and i got this really HOTT shirt from gadzooks that's orange and says SMITH'S on it..hella good. haha i like stuff that says my name on it! owaa owaa! anyways so i had a pretty greaT christmas. how bout you? leave me a commmmennnnt...i love hearing from you guys!
AHHHHH AHHH AHHH!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG AHHH OMFG! brittany jean schnurr is coming to my house in less then 24 hours...YESSS!! tomorrow morning she will be here...that wonderful wacky girl. i love her so much. she is my lover. i cannnnttt waitttttttttttttttttttttt! ahh if u guys all knew her you would be excited 2! she's amazing!!! after i spend the day with her her familia is coming over for some din din...yesss! let the smith and schnurr clans finally be REUNITED!! and she may even sleepover tomorrow night if we're LUCKY! i lvoe youuu bee rittt
and omg a new year is coming sooo fast: BUNNY BUNNY! if the first thing you say when the clock strikes midnight is bunny bunny then you'll have good luck for the rest of the joke children. so kelly is gonna spend the night xmas eve and im totally stoked...also i think some of my bros friends are coming over which is definitally a plussss. me n brittany's new year's resolution is to stop trying to please everyone else so much. well and some other things..haha.
umm so i went shopping today with my gift card from a. eagle and got some really cute clothes! and all the guys that work their are on i love that store like mom said at dinner today to my dad (im not trying to brag guys! really im just telling all my gurlies from ct and dance...others wouldnt understand such joy.haha) that "some guys at american eagle were checking allie out but she didnt notice" of course i noticed! am i blind woman?? and they were HOTT too! haha but i mean cmon im not gonna lock eyes with a guy who's like working at american eagle in front of momsey am i? so i just sat there at didnner in i wasnt paying attention but was embaressing haha.
im so totally stoked for tomorrow...and the '05 it's like a new year gives me hope that things will change for the better. and like ...oh it's okay everything gets washed away....hurt feelings and all that crap at the beginning of a new least that's how i see it. except i think i will miss my new year's eve addiction of sims...WAHHH!!!
melanie foo foo...jefinner....ashy bo bash:i miss u guys 2! and i wish you could come with britt...but dont worry we have a plan. see i have this duffle bag. and she is going to stuff me in it. and then she will carry me on because there has been a lot of lost luggage during the holidays and we dont want to takechances..oh and big dogs...oh and when they put me through the x-ray machine and pull me out i am going to pretend to be a lifesize doll that talks and all i'll say is "MOMMY MOMMY" so yes...oh and don't worry i wont break brittany's delicate's a rolling ill see you chica's soon!!
oh by the way i looked at christine's pic page today and i realized how much i missed you guys more then i're faces have all changed! and everyone is wearing makeup not just the usual few..i love you guys SO..
boo you whore