Jul 10, 2005 18:04
opps this should be after the nex entry sorry so dont read yet
Hi evverybody i got my paper back to day i got a 43 out of a 50 which gives me a B. The higest grade was a 46 and 3/5 entrada students got a 45 and the other two
(inlcluding me) got a 43. so we are the higher parts of the class but i dont know what the rest of the class got. well im working on the next paper that is due friday and i am having a hard time with it. and i dont know what im going to talk about from the people on the list and i dont know how to prove one thing or anoter of the ones i think ill talk about. DONT TRY TO FIGUR OUT WHAT I SAID IT WONT MAKE SENSE TURST ME.
ps. just pray for me that i will figure out this paper.