What the hell happened?

May 02, 2005 23:00

So that's probably whats running through everyones mind about people updating I have been sick and busy sinuses suck and I think that Daytona will be a lot better because I will never be sick because Missouri is a piece of shit. I have 3 monologues due tomorrow hahahaha oh well that's what costume design is for am i right? So, I am gonna email my english teacher and see if I can take my writing test early work on my costume design project all day sunday and monday and then turn it in tuesday so there are 2 finals out of the way and finally move out wed. wash clothes pack and then dun dun dun!!! leave for DAYTONA BEACH FL!!!! WOOOOOOOOO I am so excited I have to talk to lisa tomorrow to see if we are going sign the papers for out APARTMENT!!! wooo time to go to bed peace out mother fuckers
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