MEME'D LIKE A FIEND + extra meme

Mar 17, 2009 14:24

I'VE BEEN TAGGED by the ultra-amazing likespring. Seriously. That woman is EXTREME ( Read more... )

eljay funtimes, friendslove, idek, fandom: general

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Re: BONES? OKAY! belenustenebrae March 17 2009, 23:39:56 UTC
1. Liar! You're in it for the beer cap:

half naked body? what? where?

5. Zack Addy. That gutted me so badly when I watched it. I was on the verge of tears. Zack, my poor sweet Zack.

10. season three finale had so many Cam/Zack moments, it was the first time I could actually see them as a potential ship. Otherwise I can never see Cam or Zack with anyone.


Re: BONES? OKAY! shortsweetsoul March 18 2009, 01:16:51 UTC
1. ...A;SDJFLSDJ;FA you caught me. :D God, I'm honestly grinning. This dude is just... ~happy sigh~

5. Oh oh oh. I was so... just... FLABBERGASTED. I had no WORDS. My family watched it together, and none of us could speak. It was insane.

10. WHOA. I totally missed that ep. To be honest, I've only seen bits and pieces of the show, like, ten or twelve episodes. ^^; But... I really need to see it now. :D


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