do the paniiic!

Aug 27, 2010 00:30

I totally wished I watched Skins S1, because it's so quotable. :D


01. IT'S KIND OF AWESOME. I had my first three classes today. All gen-eds but it's shaping up to actually be fantastic. my film appreciation & world religion classes are going to be the best, because i actually find both subject matters super interesting! :D

02. I KIND OF ACTUALLY HAVE FRIENDS? So, last semester I hung out more with my friend J, who is really loud and obnoxious and hilarious and completely the opposite of me. This week we've hung out soooo much (meaning we hung out for a few hours over two days. it's a lot for me, haha.) But, anyway. Through her, I've met some really fun, good people that I can actually see myself being friends with on a daily basis! it's strange. I'm, like, working out with friends, I'm going to PRISM meetings with friends, I'm eating lunch with friends. I'm still in shock.

03. i do have a boyfriend. It's really nice most of the time, but he is very stupid in the way that he has no idea how to have a girlfriend? not that I think there's a set group of behaviors that define such a relationship but... It's little things that seem like common courtesy to me that he absolutely does not understand. Like, if I'm carrying two pizzas and a two styrofoam containers on top of that, I kind of expect him to at least offer to carry the containers. Y'know? It's a bunch of little things that bug the crap out of me. I expect kind of a lot, I guess?

THE END. please, tell me things. my life has been eaten by real life and inception fic. damn you, inception fic. you're too good. too. good.
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