[reaction post] Movies, BoB + [misc] tell me about yourself

Oct 19, 2009 10:49

HAI NEW FRANDS. I can't wait to embarrass myself in text form in front of you all. It will be good yet awkward times. ;)

Tell me about yourself! (shamelessly stolen from vermontypython. I'm sorry.)

El nombre:
Age you'll be on your next birthday:
Where are you from, and where are you now?:
One trip in the TARDIS, where do you go?
College/university, high school or other?:
How many countries have you been to?:
Random factoid about yourself:
Meat-eater or veggie?
Religious views, if it doesn't make you uncomfortable?:
What do you want to do with your life, if you know?:
Favorite sound/smell/taste/feel?:
Something embarrassing about yourself:

My answers are in comment-form.


I've been off doing schoolwork but not really and procrastinating and not getting anything done. SORRY.

Watched a few movies for my Media & Society class. I have no real deep thoughts yet, just giggling and vague flailing motions.


Ratatouille was adorable. Like, drop-on-the-floor giggling and "AWWWWWW"ing. Also, Janeane Garofolo. ♥

...That's pretty much it.


I like this movie purely for shallow reasons. When Vincent and Jerome are having dinner and "What's Titan like this time of year?" "*snerk* What's Titan like... Titan is exactly like this," and he BLOWS CIGARETTE SMOKE INTO THE WINE GLASS and Jerome is VERY INTERESTED and my brain goes "If this isn't gonna happen, DON'T TEASE ME LIKE THAT."

Crappy movie with too much narration and the music kills everything for the first forty minutes. It improves about an hour in, and by the end I was smiling. Like the message/theme, execution could have been better.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

HAHAHA OH GOD. Alternatively titled "If Me and My Three Closest Friends Decided to Get Into the Drug Trade".

...No really. Should I feel bad for really loving Big Chris? Fathers being all fatherly make me really happy. I did "Awww" like a fool when he and Little Chris drove off in the fancy car.

Also, now I cannot not call Dexter Fletcher "Soap" when I see him in Band of Brothers. It's just wrong.

Now to move on to Smokin' Aces, which does feature one Mr. Chris Pine. Even in psychotic redneck form, HELL YES.

Band of Brothers


Netflix-ing it.


One more disc left.


Need to see it a few more times before I can watch it without thinking "ohgodohgodohgod ARE YOU FOR REAL."


The sorting hat says that I belong in Gryffindor!

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous.
Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

Take the most scientific Harry Potter
ever created.

Get Sorted Now!

HAHA WHAT ARE THESE LIES. Also, what coding failure.

...Then again- "WE'RE NOT STUDENTS, WE'RE GONNA GO RUN INTO DUNGEONS NOW." If my university had dungeons and I wouldn't lose my scholarship... I'd do it.

Back to work!

movies, tv: band of brothers, my lame is showing

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