things are a changin!! :)

Dec 13, 2006 10:29

I must say that things for me right now are going awesome!!!! I got a new apt!!! I can't wait to move in. I don't start moving in there until jan though because my lease at my apt now isn't up until then....but the new apt is soooo awesome...its in carmel off of 146th and spring mill rd. Its call the villages of spring mill. They are pretty new and very safe and nice. I will be living with my sister Jenn which will be different but i think it will be ok. There is so really upsetting news though....i wont be able to keep Bentley.....which is really hard on me. I really want to keep him but its just really expensive to have a dog at the new place. Also i feel like its unfair that i'm never home with him and i want him to have people that will be around more then i am. So if you know of anyone that really wants a dog let me know. Bentley is soooo cute and hes a good much fun to play with....he still isn't completely trained but hes gotten a lot better and i think of it has to do with me not ever being home. I start school on the 8th and i'm soooo excited. My last day at Centra is Jan. 5th.

This year my parents decided to do something really really cool for Christmas this year. Instead of all of us getting something for Christmas we adopted a family and we are going to give them Christmas. We all got together on sat as a family and went shopping for this family. Its was soooo much fun picking out little outfits for the family. There are 4 girls and then the parents and a grandma. She got an outfit for everyone and then the girls all had some type of toy or doll that they wanted so we got them that and then we got a bunch of games for the family. Then for the parents we are going to get them some shoes. I wasn't to sure what to think about doing this but wow it was sooo cool and i don't know its nice to know that we are giving a family Christmas that wouldn't normally get anything. I guess you don't realize how blessed you are until you see other familys that have nothing. Well we get to meet the family but i wont get to meet them because i have to work. Its the night of the monday night colts game and i know iwill have to work....but my mom said they will take lots of pictures and see if Jamie and Derik will bring there video camera.

update on my guy situation...well actually nothings really going on for once!! HAHA other then the fact that Matt and I are still talkin and seeing each other when we can....i truely like him a lot and really wish he wasn't leaving for the navy....i guess thats just how my life seems to go lately.

Other news is that Tilly will be coming home on the 20th....I'm super excited to see him. We are planning on hanging out when he comes home. I'm not really sure how that will go but i hope that no matter what we just have a great time and make some awesome fun memories for us to remember later. Well thats about it for now!! HaPpY HoLiDaYs eVeRyOnE!!!!!!!!!!
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