Apr 27, 2005 18:17
hey kids..its been awhile..no one really comments but i also dont really care lol
um...whats been going on..hmm..not much that i can talk about here but lifes been good my true friends have stuck by me and ive made some new ones since the last entry well not really made new ones just like got closer with them..which reminds me lauren and hanna and i have to hang out hardcore because i miss those days...shits been going on at school...hm..lets get into that
no names-so that i can get out my feelings without the accusations that im shit talking
this person at school is going around calling me fat..thanks? we used to be friends so it really hurts and i will admit i used to have an eating disorder and she knew that and it all started because in sixth grade girls were calling me fat behind my back and to my face..i may not be happy with my body right now but i certainly dont look at myself as fat..or didnt..and i was really happy that i had such a good body image at the moment and that all went downhill..which yeah that sucks but at the same time..whatever you can talk as much shit as you want but talking shit is what insecure people do to make themselves feel better...so good luck with that one sweetheart...this same person is going around saying i use people for their cars and to smoke with them..if anyone honestly beleives that please comment back on this to let me know..i would like to state here and now that if you have ever felt used by me then im very sorry because i never have ever thought of myself as a user and the people i hang out with that drive? yeah are my friends and i will consider them my friends and i dont use them for rides...it isnt my fault if i hang out with people who smoke..no one realizes how many people smoke until they start smoking themselves and i dont force anyone to do so if anything i encourage them not to because i see what its doing to me but for someone to say im using people is ridiculous because as obnoxious as this sounds i am very generous..i pay for a lot of things for a lot of people and never do i ever ask them to pay me back because it doesnt matter to me if youre my friend and you dont have cash on you yeah ill buy dinner ill buy whatever you need at that moment because yes i am the girl without her liscence and yes i need rides a lot of places but i always say thank you and i dont just get in the car with random people who im not friends with and i wont ask someone for rides somewhere unless were hanging out or i desperately need one
whatever shes not worth my time from what ive been hearing she has a lot of shit of her own going on that she needs to deal with maybe if she stopped trying to mess up my life and trying to fix her own shed be a happier person? eh whatever floats your boat :-)
phone parties are hot lindesy and greg..you guys make my life "he sweats my bills" "ive got a wedgie" "UH OH pick that shit!" "Sweet Caroline" "Since you been gone!" "i'm so lonely" yeah and many more lol like i like singing comercials to you guys lol
*leave the love..or the hate..whateverrr