May 19, 2008 22:08


I am absolutely incoherent with shock. ABSOLUTELY. I mean, I can't believe it.

First, off, Bones.

WHAT??? Zack is a murderer? What the hell?

I spent the entire episode going, "It's definitely not Hodgins. It's definitely NOT Hodgins," because I love Hodgins, and I simply couldn't see him as doing anything like killing someone. Never, ever, in my wildest dreams, did I think it would be Zack. I cannot believe it- I'm absolutely crushed. I really, really, REALLY want to believe that somehow they can fix this next season, but I doubt it. I mean, Zack. Awkward, quiet, brilliant, adorable Zack. As a murderer.

One of my favorite characters is now essentially gone from the show, about to be locked away in a psychiatric ward somewhere.


The only good thing that happened in that episode was that Booth wasn't actually shot, which was a relief. Except for the part where I hoped that the angst brought on by Booth being shot would serve as the kick in the pants Bones and Booth needed to get their heads out of their asses and jump each other. That didn't happen, though there were some amusing moments with this Sweets person. I haven't seen most of Season 3, just these last couple episodes, so I don't know much about him. I can't decide if I like him based on what I've seen- he provides some entertainment, but he's also fairly annoying and obnoxious. Plus, he lied to Brennan in this episode and hid the fact that Booth wasn't really dead, which earns him major negative points in my book.


And then, the House finale. As if I wasn't already traumatized enough by the Bones season finale. I can't decide if I'm upset or not that they killed off CB. I didn't dislike her, and I also didn't like her. It was interesting to see Wilson in a relationship like that, and I liked the way it allowed the writers to explore more of the House/Wilson dynamic. I am sad, though, because I think that Wilson is going to blame House, at least temporarily, for Amber's death. I hate when those two fight, and I hate when either of them are angry/sad/upset, which I think they both are in the next season. I do think that they had to kill Amber off, though. I don't think Wilson would really be in a stable relationship for a long period of time without something having to change in the show- more specifically, with House and Wilson's relationship. Pre-this episode, that hadn't happened, not really, so I knew something dramatic had to happen with their relationship. It certainly did.

I'm really anxious to see how the writers have House and Wilson dealing with Amber's death. Will Wilson blame House? Will House blame House? Will they fight? Will this pus them apart, or not? So many questions, and NO ANSWERS FOR MONTHS! D:

Can I just say that I loved the little montage at the end when they showed where everyone was after Amber died? Kutner at home watching TV, Foreman going to that restaurant with the other original!ducklings, etc. And poor 13, what with her testing positive for Huntington's! That's going to provide another source of angst for the next season- like we didn't already have enough with the dead!Amber, sad!Wilson, and guilty!House.

I need those shows to come back NOOOOOOOOOW. The only show I have that's still on TV is Doctor Who. One day a week of fandom-y goodness is not enough. I need to know what happens next- I need closure!

[fandom] house m.d., [fandom] bones, incoherent babblings, omgwtfbbq, doooooom

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