KBL Reversebang 2013 (Part 2)

Jul 16, 2013 21:11

. : Part one here : .

Spring Break had come and gone, the two going down to visit family in Ohio. Over the years, the Hummel-Hudson family took to welcoming Blaine with open arms, inviting the sub whenever they get the chance. Blaine loves Kurt's family, loves how supporting and loving they are of Kurt. For the most part, they stay over their place rather than the Anderson residence.

Which isn't to say that Blaine's family doesn't extend the invitation as well, but Blaine knows his family well enough to know that they're satisfied with a couple of visits and a couple of hours of friendly banter. An entire week together was a longshot.

Even though William Anderson-Blaine's father-had grown a liking to Kurt, as both a Dom and his son's boyfriend, and because of Kurt had eventually eased up on Blaine for doing what he loved to do, Blaine still knew his father well enough to ease his anxiety when Kurt suggested staying over at the Anderson's for half the break. His father, well known person he is, never really took to extended guests, and Blaine was more than happy to explain to Kurt that staying over at his family's home was probably better.

Still, Blaine has a day to himself during the week, Kurt going off with some old high school friends to catch up. He decides to spend it with his family, Cooper miraculously managing to take some time off to get in on the mini family reunion.

Blaine's helping his mom out in the kitchen, preparing lunch when she asks, "How are you doing, sweetheart?"

Blaine's always had a special relationship with his mom, and the truth was a lot of it had to do with the fact they were both subs in a Dom-filled family. They had shared experiences only subs could have over the years-from Blaine getting his mark as a sub (a grey tinted mark that resembled a paint drop on his right wrist), to dealing with the Dominants in the family. Blaine didn't like to lie or dilute things to his mom because of their relationship, and she did the same for him.

But when she asks the question, so conversationally and natural, Blaine really begins to wonder if he's okay.

He's feeling more depressed of late, a lot like he felt when he first transferred to Dalton after his first high school, he knows. He's not enjoying his classes, and he hasn't let his Dom know how he's been doing lately, wanting more than anything lately just to keep Kurt happy after an awful season of rehearsals.

So lost in thought, Blaine's mother, Lucille, has to nudge Blaine with her shoulder to get him back to reality.

"Sweetheart?" she asks, the very hazel eyes Blaine has staring back at him. "Is everything alright?"

Before Blaine can open his mouth to answer, a call is heard from the other room, "Lou! Is lunch ready yet?"

"One moment, Bill!" Lucille answers, but she's still looking at Blaine when she does so.

Putting on a fake smile, Blaine nods his head to say yes, I'm fine, don't worry before leaving the counter to set up the dishes.


With the end of one production, Kurt's in no rush to head back into another, especially since the last one he was in was so stressful.

But even though Kurt's going back to work (part time as a waiter in the restaurant across the street from their apartment), and he's been keeping up with various cast and crew members from his last production, he can't help but notice the way his sub's been acting.

Like the night Blaine came home to Kurt making stir fry because he had finally made up with Rachel, Blaine was acting like things were better for him than Kurt knew they really were.

Kurt knows Blaine, knows that Blaine is a sub who just wants to please. Kurt knows it's a big part of the reason why he wanted to prove to his father that he could make it into musical theatre, that he could succeed in NYADA. He knows it's also a big part of the reason why Blaine didn't want anyone to find out they were dating when Kurt was still his dance teacher, because he didn't want to upset anyone in the faculty, nor did he want Kurt to get in the crossfire.

Kurt knows his sub, knows the way he works and the reasons why he does things.

So it's surprising when Kurt realizes that Blaine's been acting off for quite some time now. So caught up in his own drama, Kurt hadn't taken the time in the past few months to take of Blaine.

They've had their nights of intimacy, of course. In a stable D/s relationship, it's impossible if they don't. Kurt had taken his emotions out through Blaine physically, dominating his sub to gain control over himself again after hours of awful rehearsals.

But Kurt's learned from almost 5 years of being with Blaine that physical domination isn't the only kind Blaine needs.

As someone who just wants to please and keep everyone happy so badly, Kurt knows that Blaine needs emotional and mental domination too. It's easy, for the most part, for Kurt to do so, simple gestures like holding Blaine close and letting him breathe.

"It reminds me you care, even for the small things," Blaine had revealed quietly one night, after a particularly intense scene. He had shrugged, saying, "I don't know, makes me remember I'm good even for other things too."

Smiling softly, Kurt had whispered back, "Oh honey, you're so good, such a good boy. Always."

Realizing that he hasn't given Blaine any small gestures of domination lately outside of a bedroom scene, Kurt knows that something going on with his sub.


Kurt decides to ask Blaine about it one night, looking at Blaine carefully and seeing how worn out his sub looks.

"Honey," he says, putting his fork down for a moment, "is everything okay?"

Blaine, looking surprised, meets Kurt's eyes with tired ones of his own. He shrugs, saying nothing, and Kurt takes that as a sign that things aren't good at all.

"Blaine, you know one of the rules we have is to always be honest with each other," Kurt reminds him, reaching for his sub's hand across the table. "I just want to make sure you're okay, honey."

Blaine purses his lips for a moment, meetings Kurt's gaze once more when he says, "Just tired, is all."

Knowing that if he pushes any more, Blaine will shut down, not saying anything else. So Kurt drops the matter, making a plan that he hopes will help his sub unwind from whatever he's going through.


He saves his plan for the weekend, knowing that it's perfect because they finally have an extended periods of time to themselves, something that's lacked the past several weeks.

It's also the anniversary that he and Blaine officially got together, marking their 5 years together as a couple.

Kurt wakes up earlier than usual for a Saturday, admiring his sub as he sleeps peacefully, so free from all of the stress in his life, creases in his forehead smoothe and eyes fluttering gently when he dreams. The light spilling through the window shades cast a soft morning glow on Blaine, soft shadows falling against the olive of his skin.

Kurt still can't believe sometimes how lucky he is to have someone like Blaine.

Kurt doesn't know how long he spends staring at Blaine, taking in Blaine's features, reveling in how perfect his sub is before Blaine finally wakes up, so when Blaine finally awakens, he chuckles at Kurt intently watching him sleep.

Yawning, Blaine says in a raspy voice, "Sometimes I find it really weird how I'm used to you watching me sleep."

Giggling and rolling over to lay on top of Blaine, Kurt quietly says, "Good morning, Beautiful." Humming a low note, sounding a lot like a purr from a content cat, Blaine closes his eyes as Kurt plays with the curls on his temple.

Leaning forward Kurt kisses Blaine gently on the mouth, heedless of morning breath.

"Mmm," Blaine moans, "'morning, Sir."

Beaming, gives one last peck to Blaine's lips, pulling away a little to look at Blaine fully.

"Happy Anniversary, honey," Kurt says.

"Happy Anniversary."

Rolling off of Blaine, Kurt says, "Come on, Beautiful. I've got a great day planned for us."


Kurt shoos away Blaine to splurge on anything we wants for breakfast, making sure Blaine has his breakfast before coming back to the apartment. He knows full well Blaine is going to get himself an extra large mocha and a couple (dozen) of his favourite biscotti at their favourite café, but Kurt doesn't mind. He's going to spoil his sub today.

When Blaine finally returns home, he has a mostly finished mocha in hand, and a couple of biscotti left over for Kurt in a small brown bag along with Kurt's latte.

"Hey, sweetheart," Kurt greets, taking his latte and putting the bag of biscotti away before hugging Blaine close and kissing his cheek. "I'm guessing you had a good time at the cafe today?"

Nodding against his shoulder, Blaine says, "Yeah. I saw Marley today-she was kind enough to sneak a couple extra shots of chocolate syrup for my mocha."

"She's a lovely lady."


Feeling Blaine relaxed in his arms, Kurt eventually says, "Let's go to the bedroom, Blaine. I'm going to help you calm down a little more. Maybe go into subspace. How's that sound, Beautiful?"

Blaine hums, nodding again against Kurt's shoulder, and Kurt already knows that Blaine has a blissed out smile, practically shivering at the possibility of going under after such a long time.

On their way to the bedroom, Blaine asks, "Wha'bout your latte? And breakfast?" his voice slurred and already tired with where Kurt's plans are going.

"I had my breakfast while you were out, sweetie, and I can take my latte for what we'll be doing. I'll be okay, don't you worry," Kurt says, lifting his latte pointedly to Blaine when they reach the bedroom before setting it down carefully on the bedside table.

Kurt watches as Blaine takes in the room, an extra sheet spread across the bed, pillows arranged in a specific way. He looks at Kurt with curiosity and Kurt only smiles, a hand gesturing towards the bed.

"Alright, clothes off, and lay down on your stomach. Head on the pillow... that's it, such a good boy," Kurt purrs, straddling the backs of Blaine's thighs. He rewards Blaine with a soft scratch on the side of his head, knowing how much Blaine loves that.

"What are you going to do, Sir?" Blaine asks quietly, and Kurt can hear how close he is to leaving, how he doesn't have long before Blaine's drifting in his safe place as he pushes Blaine's clothes aside.

"I'm going to take care of you, baby, give you a massage so we can rid you of this tenseness," he explains softly, getting rid of his own shirt. He lets his hands drift down Blaine's back, frowning slightly at the bunched up muscles. Blaine's been under a lot of stress he realizes, berating himself mentally. "Don't move too much, alright, honey?" he asks, and Blaine nods.

Kurt lathers his hands with the coconut oil he had left out earlier, happy that there was still some left over from the last time he gave Blaine a massage. The aroma fills the room, and Blaine sighs, a happy noise that Kurt's sure Blaine isn't even conscious he made.

Kurt takes his time spreading the oil down Blaine's back, making sure he isn't uncomfortable and that it isn't putting any strain on him. When he's sure everything's okay, Kurt begins his massage, kneading Blaine's back in a gentle rhythm. His thumbs work out the tension in between Blaine's shoulder blades, untangles the bunch of muscles at the centre of Blaine's back. In between working out particular kinks, Kurt takes sips of the latte Blaine brought him.

Blaine makes various noises of approval, puffs of air leaving him whenever gets to a tender spot. With how quiet Blaine is for the most part, Kurt knows his sub out hard, floating in subspace. Happy that his mission is accomplished, Kurt finally finishes his massage, hands simply wandering up and down Blaine's back, gently easing Blaine out of his head.

"Mmm," Blaine sighs. "Thank you, Sir."

Smiling, Kurt bends over to place a kiss to Blaine's temple. "Shh, we're not done yet. But you've been such a good boy, so good for me while I did that for you." Blaine hums again, and Kurt continues, "I'm going to wipe your back now, honey, but I'll be back soon." Giving another kiss to Blaine's temple, Kurt carefully makes his way off the bed, going into the bathroom to retrieve a towel.

When Kurt returns, Blaine's still on his stomach on the bed, and though Kurt knows that Blaine could've moved out of his position right now, it makes Kurt want to push his chest out in pride to see how well Blaine listens to him. He hadn't given Blaine a direct order to move, so he didn't, still under the first order to not move.

Wiping down Blaine's back, taking as much of the excess oil as he can, Kurt presses a soft kiss to the nape of Blaine's back when he finishes, whispering, "Alright, baby, I'm going to take the extra sheet off, but you can turn over while I do so."

Blaine does, expression still so blissed out. Kurt chuckles, giving another kiss to Blaine's cheek.

"Enjoyed it?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Kurt cuddles close, holding Blaine in a tender hug. Blaine complies easily, burrowing himself in Kurt's arms. They stay together in silence, breathing eventually syncing together as it does when they're left alone to simply be.

After a while, Blaine breaks the silence, maneuvering himself to be able to look up at Kurt as he lays on his chest. Kurt looks into Blaine's eyes, still so full of wonder and mystery that Kurt still hopes to spend the rest of his life solving.

"Yes, baby?" he asks, knowing that Blaine wants to say something, and in times like this, Kurt needs to gently prod it out of him.

"Thank you, really, Kurt, for that," he replies. Darting his eyes away, he reveals, "It's been kinda hard lately."

"I know, baby," Kurt says, "but I don't know why. What's been going on, honey?"

Waiting patiently, a skill Kurt's honed over the years since he claimed Blaine exactly 5 years ago, Blaine seems to find his words, looking up at Kurt with trusting eyes.

And Kurt nods, knowing Blaine needs the permission.


Blaine lets Kurt know what's been going on with him for the past couple of months or so, hiding his face in shame because he knows he should have let Kurt know since the beginning that he's had issues.

When he finishes, Kurt places a gentle hand on his face, cupping his cheek carefully to make Blaine face him.

"Baby," he says, eyes filled with so much concern and pain for him that Blaine wants to look away. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so down?"

Blaine gives a small shrug-as much as he can with the position he's in-and answers, "You were so upset and stressed from the production. I didn't want to put that on you." Looking away again, he says, "I thought I could handle it on my own, show you how much stronger I am now."

"Blaine, honey, look at me."

At the quiet plead in Kurt's voice, Blaine reluctantly looks back at Kurt, steeling himself for disappointment or a reprimand, but is surprised when Kurt only looks at him with concern, brows pinched slightly.

"Blaine," he says evenly, "you don't have to prove to me how strong you are." He smiles softly. "I already know, honey, I've seen you grow to become such a wonderful man." Blaine smiles, heart warming and touched at the genuineness that comes from Kurt's words.

"And it doesn't mean you're weak if you let me know how you're feeling," Kurt explains. He begins to rub Blaine's back soothingly, touch gentle and soft. "I'm so sorry that you felt like you couldn't tell me because of what I was going through, but I promise, Blaine, you can come to me whenever, and let me know what's going on." Looking upset at himself, Kurt says, "I'm so sorry you went through that alone, baby."

"It's okay," Blaine says, meaning it. He never intended to make it seem that way, but he understands now why Kurt would. "I promise I'll come to you when I'm not okay, Sir."

Leaning forward, Blaine lets his eyes flutter shut when his and Kurt's lips meet in a sweet kiss. The kiss builds, Kurt eventually rolling Blaine over to deepen it, heat building in Blaine's stomach pleasantly.

"Mmm," Blaine sighs, as Kurt kisses a path down his neck, sucking just below his ear where he loves it. "Kurt," he gasps.

"Shh, honey. Let me take care of you..."

"Sir, Sir, please," Blaine begs, breathless as Kurt kisses his way down Blaine's body. "Clothes, Sir, want you naked, please."

Kurt chuckles against Blaine chest, giving a teasing lick to his nipple. "Okay, baby."

Clothes off, Kurt doesn't tease anymore, kissing Blaine in earnest and pinning his arms above his head, tongue licking its way through Blaine's mouth, leaving Blaine able to do nothing but submit. Blaine groans, getting harder with each passing moment.

When Kurt finally pulls away from Blaine, he's kissing a path down his neck and chest, sucking patches of skin so hard that Blaine's excited for the hickeys that will show up. One hand holding both of Blaine's securely, Kurt asks, "Can you keep your hands here for me?"

Blaine nods, so eager to please Kurt, gasping, "Yes, Sir, please."

Biting Blaine's neck one more time, licking the skin after to soothe it, lets go of Blaine's wrists. Blaine does his best to keep his arms up without any restraint, sweat beading on his forehead from the effort. With his hands free, Blaine watches as Kurt lifts a hand to gently have two fingers shut Blaine's eyes, the other cupping Blaine's cheek.

Kurt whispers harshly against his ear, "Keep your eyes closed, and remember: don't move, don't touch, don't come."

From there it's all sensory feel as Blaine gasps, Kurt's hands roaming all over his body, tongue not far behind where Kurt licks. So lost in the way Kurt handles him, Blaine floats, the only thing in his focus is his Dom's mouth and touch, where it caresses Blaine's body.

Thinking he's so far gone, Blaine's surprised when he realizes that he's present enough to feel Kurt's mouth enveloping him in a hot, wet heat.

"Ungh," Blaine groans, eyes squeezing and arms straining against Kurt's command. Don't move, don't touch. Blaine can do it. He'll be so good for Kurt.

When Kurt pulls off, a lewd smack! filling the air around them, Blaine breathes a gasp of air, hips hopelessly trying to thrust up towards Kurt's mouth. He hears Kurt chuckle, a hand massaging one of his thighs, the other stroking him.

"Good boy," Kurt praises him in a rough voice, and god, Blaine loves that voice. So caring and dominant, sexy and tender. He feels Kurt tongue at his balls before taking one, then the other, into his mouth. "So good for me, baby."

Blaine moans, and Kurt takes him whole, hands gripping Blaine's hips and holding them down. Biting his lip, Blaine muffles a shout, the tight heat of Kurt's mouth too good for him, but Kurt hasn't said he can come yet, so we won't.

Kurt sucks, throat so tight around Blaine's cock and tongue laving against the underside. Blaine gets lost in his head again, the rhythm of Kurt's mouth on him leaving him in a daze.

When Kurt pulls off again, Blaine comes back to himself. He whines, pitch high in his throat and tears squeezing at the corners of his eyes. He wants to beg, beg and plead to come, he's been so good for Kurt but Kurt hasn't said he can talk, hasn't said he can come. But god does he need to.

Feeling Kurt lick a thick stripe from his perineum to the slit of his cock, a groan erupts from Blaine, fists tightening at the pillows.

"So good, baby, god," Kurt says, kissing up and down his cock, hands massaging the insides of his thighs. "So good."

"Mmm!" Blaine whines again, head thrashing left and right.

"Are you close, sweetheart?" Kurt asks, voice pitched low and gravelly. "Answer me, Blaine, words please."

"Please," Blaine begs, biting his lip and breathing hard through his nose. "Please, Sir. Let me come, please."

He hears Kurt make a noise, a finger stroking his rim. Blaine groans again.

"You haven't answered my question, Blaine," Kurt reminds him, finger pulling away from Blaine's hole.

"I'm so close, Sir," he finally answers, gasping for air. The heat in his stomach churns, his balls are pulled tight, so close to release. "Please, Sir."

Humming a note for a beat, Kurt eventually says, "I am going to take you whole again, honey. Then you can come whenever you want. Understood?"

Blaine nods vigorously, whining, "Yes, Sir! Please!"

Without another second wasted, Blaine feels his cock enveloped in Kurt's mouth, right down to the base, and now with permission to let go, Blaine comes, head thrown back against the pillows, getting lost in the feel of shooting down his Dom's throat.

Coming down from the high, Blaine's welcomed back with Kurt holding him close, mouth by his ear whispering, "You were so good, sweetie, so good for me. Shh, shh..."

Blaine presses his cheek against Kurt's skin, a hand palming at Kurt's chest.

"I'm right here, baby, right here. Shh..."

A hand on Kurt's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, Blaine tries to match his breathing to the steady thump, th-thump. It takes a while longer than Blaine expects, making him wonder how far he slipped under, before his breathing isn't so erratic. Since he's pressed closed, he also eventually gets present enough for his other hand to scratch down Kurt's body until it reaches Kurt's soft cock.

One of Kurt's hands grip Blaine's wrist where Blaine has his hand on him, saying, "Don't worry, sweetheart. It's been taken care of. This was all about you."

Nodding against Kurt, Blaine brings his hand up and cuddles closer. Kurt brings a hand to play with Blaine's curls, and Blaine sighs.

So relaxed and blissed out, Blaine can't help but groan when Kurt says, "Come on, honey. We need a shower," and proceeding to laugh at Blaine's reaction.

"M'wanna sleep," Blaine mumbles against Kurt's skin.

Chuckling again, the movement making Blaine smile against Kurt's skin, "We can sleep after a hot bath, honey."



Kurt preps the tub, pours a bit of vanilla scented bubble bath. Blaine waits patiently, an arm around Kurt while he lets the tub fill with water and bubbles, laughing when Blaine whines because he has to let Kurt go to get fresh towels and to place the shampoo and body wash close by. When the tub is filled, the two step in together, positioning themselves so Kurt is leaning against the tub with Blaine pressed against his chest.

They relax in the tub, no words exchanged, water sloshing gently around them. Kurt has his arms wrapped around Blaine's torso, Blaine's fingers tangled with his where it rests on top of Blaine's stomach. Kurt's mouth eventually moves from placing soft kisses to Blaine's curls to sucking intently at the side of his sub's neck.

Somewhere in that transition their hands had let go of each other. One of Blaine's hands reaches for Kurt's head, pressing him closer to where Kurt's nipping at his skin, and the other stroking lazily at his cock. Kurt's hands are roaming Blaine's torso, nails scraping up his sides and thumbs flicking at his nipples.

"Mmm," Blaine moans. "Th-thought-uh-we were supposed to clean up?"

Licking a stripe up his neck, Kurt whispers, "Are you not enjoying this, baby?" He blows cool air onto the bruising skin, biting his lip when he looks over his own work. Blaine's going to sport a hell of a hickey, he realizes, and the Dom in him purrs, happy at the thought people will see Blaine belonging to someone, belonging to him.

"N-never, oh, Sir," Blaine says immediately, the hand at Kurt's head scratching slightly.

Seeing his sub reacting so beautifully at just sucking his neck, Kurt pushes his up slightly, rubbing his cock against the small of Blaine's back. Blaine begins to move back with him, hips slowly rotating against Kurt's cock.

"Kurt-mmm-Sir, please," Blaine says, voice breathy and chest heaving where Kurt's hands are still roaming. "Come-oh, Sir, please-come with me? Please?"

"Of course, baby," Kurt replies, one hand playing with a nipple and the other dropping to join Blaine's where his hand is still stroking his cock. "Anything you want."

"Please kiss me, Sir," Blaine asks, head turning to look at Kurt desperately. "Please, Sir?"

Kurt doesn't answer, just presses his lips against Blaine's, hips working with his sub's to bring them closer to the edge.

Balls drawing tight for the second time that day, Kurt pulls away only for a second to breathe between them, "Come, Beautiful, come with me," before pressing his lips hard against Blaine's and letting his groan be muffled by Blaine's mouth.

They come together, Blaine's cock throbbing between his and Kurt's hand where they fist him tight, and Kurt coming right with him, shooting against Blaine's hips.

Kurt comes back to himself, shaking slightly where he pets Blaine's side, whispering, "So good, such a good boy for me."

Blaine calms down again, fully pressing himself against Kurt when he bluntly states, "I can't move anymore."

Laughing, Kurt presses one last kiss where a violet bruise blooms colourfully on Blaine's neck. "It's okay. We can stay here until our skin gets pruny." Nodding silently, Blaine rests his in the crevice between Kurt's chest and shoulder.

Kurt keeps his promise, simply being with Blaine in the tub until most of the bubbles have dissipated. He knows at some point Blaine had taken a nap, and Kurt had held him close, fingers tracing patterns on Blaine's skin.

Eventually he wakes Blaine up, rubbing at his shoulder gently until he begins to stir. Both fully well rested, Kurt suggests to give Blaine a bath before heading out for lunch. Adorably sleepy, Blaine only makes a noise of approval before Kurt takes charge of their bath. He makes quick work with the shampoo and conditioner, and by the time Kurt's lathering body wash onto both of them, Blaine is fully awake and helping out with the process.

Bath time finishes quicker than Kurt anticipates, and he drains the tub, stepping out to grab the towels he brought in earlier. Towelling himself off quickly, he helps Blaine up to wipe him down. They smile at each other, Blaine spreading his arms when Kurt has to get to his armpits, tickling him a bit before working his way down Blaine's body.

Blaine smells so fresh, like vanilla and clean and home. When Kurt finally gets to Blaine's feet, he helps Blaine step out of the tub, rubbing his feet dry, and tickling him again, making Blaine lose his balance a little where he grabs onto Kurt's shoulder.

Hanging the towel to dry, Kurt holds Blaine steady, kissing his nose and whispering, "Happy Anniversary, Blaine."

He knows Blaine's smiling by the tone of his voice when he whispers back, "Happy Anniversary, Kurt."

fic: glee, fic, glee: misc, glee: kblrb2013, glee: kb

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