the First Week (7/8)

Oct 27, 2012 17:16

( Chapter 6)


Chapter 7: Sunday

It was around noon, once Kurt finished cleaning up after lunch, when he received a text from Blaine.

You're staying in your dorm tonight, right? -B

Yeah, I'm going back to Dalton soon. Why? -K

Wanna watch a movie in my room? I'll even let you pick one out :) -B

Kurt unconsciously raised a brow in amusement. It wasn't exactly what he planned to do with his afternoon, but watching a movie with Blaine definitely had more appeal over getting started on his English essay. (Besides, the assignment wasn't due for weeks; Kurt could start it later.)

Smirking, Kurt texted back: Okay! I have the perfect movie to watch. -K

And he did.

So after packing the things he needed for the week, Kurt grabbed one of his DVDs and jumped into his Navigator.

- x 0 x -

Kurt stood in front of Blaine's door, which he arrived at as soon as he possibly could after dropping off his things and checking his hair one more time. He hid the hand that was clutching onto his movie of choice behind his back while he raised the other to knock on the door.

After two raps, the door swung open, revealing Blaine clad in sweatpants and a Dalton hoodie, his curls free of gel and let loose.

"Hi," Kurt greeted a little breathlessly. This was the first time he had ever seen Blaine so… rumpled. But don't get him wrong. As much as he loved Blaine put together and charming as ever, apparently Kurt couldn't help but absolutely love his boyfriend unkempt. The countertenor shook his head and quickly closed his agape jaw, snapping himself out of the trance Blaine managed to put him in.

Blaine smiled. "Hi." He gave Kurt a noticeable once over. "You're all dressed up," he pointed out.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Oh please, this isn't anything too special." He was only in his staples: skinny jeans, sweater and matching boots - all designer of course.

"Kurt, it's Sunday, a lazy day. You're overdressed."

He huffed. "I find that everyday is a chance to be fabulous. Excuse me if I don't like to waste an opportunity," he sniffed.

Blaine chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, come in," he welcomed, jerking his head towards the room as he opened the door wide enough for Kurt to step through.


"So, what are we watching?" the soloist asked, flopping down on his bed as soon as he closed the door. Kurt noticed that Blaine was moving his head every which way to get a glimpse of the mystery movie he was successfully keeping hidden.

The taller boy smirked, walking over to pop the DVD into the player. "Just sit down, you'll see in a moment," was all he said. He rolled his eyes when he heard Blaine huff behind him. But Kurt also heard the other boy shifting on his bed, so at least he was being listened to. "Alright," Kurt said, sitting next to Blaine at the head of the bed, relaxing against the headboard, "I think you're going to enjoy this."

He said this looking at Blaine, who glanced at him before turning his attention to the screen. Kurt smirked again when he saw Blaine's expression as he read the title in the opening credits.

"'When Harry Met Sally'?" his boyfriend questioned, sounding incredulous as he did so.

Kurt shrugged casually. "I think it's appropriate," he simply stated.

"You're incredible, you know that?" Blaine replied, turning to him again.

Kurt wasn't sure whether Blaine was kidding or saying the truth, so he suspected it was a bit of both and shrugged again. "Are you trying to say something, Blaine Warbler?" Kurt poked, mocking offense.

"Of course not!" his boyfriend immediately responded, "I'm simply pointing out that I have an incredible boyfriend."

Kurt hadn't expected the honesty behind the statement, and ended up blushing in surprise, his gaze flickering away from Blaine's. Blaine cupped his cheek, prompting Kurt to look at him, and the paler boy reluctantly obliged. When their eyes met, his boyfriend smiled again, and then kissed the tip of Kurt's nose before settling back into his seat, one of his hands reaching for Kurt's. Kurt took it happily, his fingers automatically lacing with Blaine's. He tipped his head to rest it against Blaine's shoulder.

They only got up to Harry and Sally arguing that men and women couldn't be friends without sexual relations when Blaine made a noise that was a cross between uncomfortable and disappointed.

"Hm?" Kurt asked, turning to Blaine.

His boyfriend looked at him, surprised and embarrassed, looking like he was shocked that Kurt heard him. "Uh…"

Blaine didn't elaborate, instead dragging out the syllable for a good few seconds, so Kurt said, "Yes, Blaine?"

The curly head sighed. "Can - can I…?" was all he said.


"Can I… cuddle? With you?" he whispered, so low that Kurt barely heard it over Sally's indignant whine on screen.

Kurt blinked. That certainly wasn't what he was expecting.

"I'm sorry," Blaine began to apologize, using a free hand to rub the back of his neck, "I'm overstepping aren't I?"

"No-no!" he interjected, squeezing a little at Blaine's hand where they were still joined. "I just - I wasn't expecting that," he answered honestly.

"Oh… Well, it's just - I'm a bit of a cuddlewhore. I just like to cuddle… a lot…" Blaine explained, his face twisting in embarrassment.

Kurt giggled, the smile on his face only growing wider once he realized Blaine was blushing. Blaine Anderson, cuddlewhore. The entire thing sounded ridiculous. But it was also one of the most adorable things Kurt had ever heard.

Cuddles, he decided then, were something he could handle.

"Oh Blaine," he said, controlling his laughter, "that's-that's okay." And Kurt was completely genuine with his response. He could deal with cuddling - it wasn't like he hadn't wanted a touch like this from his boyfriend before anyway. "Uh, yeah, you can cuddle with me," he finally answered, wincing when his voice came out slightly awkward. "So…"

"Here," Blaine said, letting go of Kurt's hand to grab a few pillows and placed them behind Kurt's back. "Is that okay for you to settle down on?"

The taller boy shifted, leaning back against the pillows until he was in a half-sitting, half-laying down position. He was fine.

"Yeah," Kurt confirmed.

"Okay." And with that Blaine immediately laid down and settled into Kurt's side, his arms immediately slinking around the countertenor's torso. Blaine nuzzled his face into Kurt's chest and sighed, weaving his legs with Kurt's.

Okay, Blaine wasn't kidding when he said he was a cuddlewhore. Being this close to the curly head, the amount of touch that he was suddenly engulfed in, it overwhelmed Kurt a little, and his immediate response was to stiffen from all the contact. Unfortunately, before he could filter his thoughts a bit, Blaine noticed Kurt's rigid posture and began to squirm away, sitting up.

"I am so sorry!" Blaine began to babble, "You don't have to be nice; it's okay if you don't want me in your personal space. I'll just -"

"Blaine!" Kurt cut in, his voice loud and a little sharp, so it caught his boyfriend's attention. He scrambled into a proper sitting position. "It's fine, really. I just - I wasn't really expecting so much." He took a small breath, and when he saw the panic in Blaine's eyes, he immediately said, "You weren't kidding when you said you liked cuddling." He smiled warmly as he said it, comforting Blaine a bit.

The tanner boy nodded his head a little, murmuring a soft, "Yeah…"

"It's just - I'm not really used to it, being that close to someone," Kurt continued, his voice soft. "With all the shoves and dumpster tosses and Karofsky in general, I usually shy away from a lot of physical contact." He shrugged a little, and Blaine's face dropped. Crap, he said too much. "I'm sorry -"

He was cut off by Blaine reaching out and gently cupping his cheek; Kurt leaned into the touch.

Blaine sighed. "You don't need to be sorry, Kurt. I should have thought about that," he berated to himself, closing his eyes. "Look, it's okay," he continued, opening his eyes again, "I'd be honoured if I continued to hold your hand." The Warbler soloist nodded his head, smiling warmly as he dropped his hand to take Kurt's.

Kurt let out a short breath. "But it's not what you want," he said quietly, and he took Blaine's responding silence as a confirmation. He heaved a heavy sigh. "Come here," Kurt said, reaching for the other boy with the hand that wasn't already being held. "I promise you I'm alright with cuddling. Just - warn me a little." He quirked a corner of his mouth into a lopsided smile.

"O-okay," was all Blaine replied.

The two boys settled back into the pillows Blaine set up. Slowly this time, Blaine moved closer to Kurt, his arms slithering around his boyfriend.

"Is this okay?" Blaine asked, nodding towards his arms.

Kurt gulped. "Yeah…" he muttered, sighing deeply and relaxing himself into Blaine's arms. His heart was pounding and he could feel a brush creep up his cheeks, but Kurt just continued to take deep breaths until he relaxed completely into his boyfriend's hold. By the time he was feeling comfortable, his pounding heart was fluttering, beating quickly over the fact that he was actually cuddling with his boyfriend. It was like the dreams he had given up long ago - ones of a romantic, loving boyfriend; ones which were replaced by more realistic dreams of New York City after he realized Ohio wasn't changing soon - were finally coming true.

Blaine had apparently leaned his head down on Kurt's chest while Kurt was thinking about this. He must've said something too, because now Blaine was turning his head towards him and saying, "Kurt? Kurt?"

"Mhm?" he said, meeting Blaine's gaze.

"I asked if it was okay if I leaned my head down," Blaine repeated, his eyes big and pleading.

Kurt nodded, grinning down at his boyfriend. "Yeah, that's okay," he said, though he had the sneaking suspicion it was more than okay.

His suspicions were proven correct when Blaine rested his head against his chest again. Kurt sighed once more, but it wasn't because he wasn't making himself relax. It was because he was reveling in how perfect it felt to be in Blaine's arms, with Blaine's head on his chest, as if they've been doing this for years and not for a few days. He unconsciously let an arm wrap around the curly head, and Blaine hummed a happy noise at the touch.

Eventually, Kurt tuned back into the movie. And apparently he had been ignoring it for so long that Sally was already with Harry at the airport.

"This is nice," Blaine murmured quietly as Sally was leaving Harry behind. And though Kurt couldn't see his boyfriend's face, he was sure Blaine was smiling.

"Yeah," Kurt breathed, grinning a little bit himself.

- x 0 x -

Kurt had a feeling Blaine had fallen asleep a little before Marie and Jess were arguing over Jess' coffee table, but he had no way of telling. He figured not knowing was a good thing after a while, because it meant - even if Blaine was sleeping - his shirt wasn't going to be drooled on.

Still, by the time Harry was phoning Sally and singing "Call Me" to her voicemail, Blaine was definitely wide awake because he began to sing softly along with Billy Crystal, and Kurt chimed in with harmonies. They giggled together when Sally eventually picked up the phone, surprising Harry. As the two on screen lovers (Kurt always called them lovers; the amount of sexual tension between them was impossible to miss, even if he first saw the movie when he was too young to really understand it) were speaking on the phone, Kurt bit his lip.

It was at that moment that he wished for a thousand more moments like the one he was experiencing now. Moments where he was in Blaine's arms when they watched a movie together, laughing at the actors and singing softly with the music.

- x 0 x -

The movie eventually ended and the two boys sighed dreamily.

"They got together in the end," Blaine cooed softly.

Kurt had a flashback of Blaine asking the question "Don't they get together in the end?" a few months ago in the Lima Bean when they were comparing their friendship to Harry and Sally's. It was the entire reason why Kurt chose the movie for their afternoon together. He bit his lip, fighting his hardest to hold back a smirk.

"Yeah, they did," he simply replied, though it sounded more like a squeak than a response.

Blaine sat up then, looking straight into Kurt's eyes with what Kurt could only guess was amusement. "You totally did this on purpose, didn't you?"

Kurt broke, a devilish grin gracing his face. "What ever are you talking about, Blaine?" he asked innocently.

His boyfriend simply shook his head, leaning his head forward until their lips touched. It was mostly a gentle brush, barely enough for it to be a proper kiss. And Blaine knew, the damn tease.

"You know," Blaine mumbled against Kurt's lips, driving Kurt all kinds of crazy, "if you're playing Meg Ryan…"

Kurt moved forward, trying to shut his boyfriend up with a kiss. But Blaine pulled back and simply smirked against his lips. He turned away, his lips brushing against Kurt's cheek.

Exasperated, the countertenor said, "Yeah?"

"And I'm playing Billy Crystal…" he continued, kissing a lazy path on Kurt's cheek until he reached the paler boy's ear.


"Doesn't that mean we get together in the end?" Blaine whispered, his breath hot against Kurt's ear.

Pulling away, Kurt had a confused expression on his face. Then, he repeated what he said less than a week ago. "I thought we were," he breathed, smirking by the end of it.

They both chuckled and leaned in, their lips meeting halfway and kissing each other properly.

The boys pulled away after what Kurt thought was a second away from forever, both a little flushed and grinning at each other.

Turning off the DVD and TV, they began to talk about the style everyone had back then. They complimented Sally's taste in clothes and shared their distaste for some of the characters' hair choices. They argued whether Harry looked better with a beard or clean shaven. Kurt argued for the beard (well, just a tiny bit of it, not the entire woodsman look Harry began to rock after he divorced Helen). Blaine argued against it.

"Clean cut men are a total turn on," Blaine simply reasoned. That had Kurt raising a brow; he liked to think that he was a pretty clean cut guy. His boyfriend simply smirked in response.

Soon, that conversation turned into why Blaine always gelled down his hair (a conversation the two have had before; Kurt had yet to convince Blaine to use at least use the gel for volumizing instead of plastering down) and why he always shaved. And Kurt ended up realizing that he would admit - to himself at least - that the image of his boyfriend with messy hair and a maybe with a little scruff was definitely more than appealing. He began to concoct plans that included persuading Blaine into either forgetting about his beloved gel filled hair (pretty much keeping it the way he had it today) or leaving enough scruff for Kurt to feel. Still, Kurt liked to dream big, so persuading Blaine to do both was always an option.

The argument continued until dinner started, in which they both called a truce and held hands until they reached the dinner hall.

After their meal, the two made their way to the door of Kurt's dorm.

"So," Blaine began then, "I'll text you later?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah," he smiled.

There was a beat or two of complete silence, and then Blaine glanced around the hallway before leaning in and crashing his lips against Kurt's. Kurt was surprised at first, but he easily began kissing back. By the time they pulled away, Blaine's hands had found their way to Kurt's face - cupping it gently - and Kurt's hands had rested on Blaine's shoulders. They both fluttered their eyes open and dropped their hands as they tried to regain steady breathing.

Blaine licked his lips and breathlessly said, "Uh, goodnight."

Kurt smiled and grabbed Blaine's hand before leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend's cheek. "Goodnight," he whispered against the skin.

Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and opened the door to his room, waving one last goodbye to Blaine, and entered his room.

Not even five minutes after Blaine left Kurt for the night, the countertenor received a text.

Harry still looked better /without/ a beard. -B

Oh, so we're continuing this argument here? ;p -K

Totally. -B
( Chapter 8)

fic: glee, fic, glee: misc, glee: kb, glee: tfw, fic: multichap

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