You're It

Dec 27, 2005 07:19

My Siamese Mind Twin, Kim, tagged me.


Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Weird Habits of Yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

Reason Numero Uno: I swallow my mouthwash (even though you're not supposed to). But the one time I tried a 'Beautiful'? Thought I'd downed a whole tub of Listerine, and for some reason, it was worlds more unpleasant than the actual thing.

Reason Numero Dos: If alone, I tend to walk to a song that's playing somewhere in my mind, and more often than not, it's 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head'. (I live in Seattle.)

Reason Numero Tres: I understand that an insufficient production of the enzyme lactase can result in lactose intolerance, and I'm fairly certain I'm mildly intolerant. That's okay, because I don't really like milk, anyway; however, two of the three food groups (coffee, cereal and...whateveritisNate/Sarah/Cameron/Mel/Scott/peoplefromchurchfeedme) I incorporate into my life involve this fat-free substance.

Reason Numero Quatro: When blood is being drawn (which is, strangely, more frequently than one would think), I always volunteer my right arm. For some reason, I have an unhealthy and unreasonable fear that the veins in my left (though far more visible) will be inadequate.

Reason Numero Cinco: My junior year of high school, I sprained my right ankle at gymnastics the Friday before Spring Break. Determined not to be stuck at home all week and unwilling to rely on friends/parents for transportation, I scooted my seat as far forward as possible so as to save my ankle unnecessary flexing and learned to brake with my left foot. I will still unconsciously brake with my left foot (yes, I know how dangerous it is), and it takes a very concerted effort by my left brain to get my right foot to hit the pedal on the left.

Tag!: Gomey, Meg, Kristine, Krista, Todd.

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