Joyce and Walky!:
You know the drill. Steve and I celebrated our birthdays today, though about a week early since that's when folks could meet up. I gots a Skeletor/Luthor set, an awesome knockoff Hot Shot in white rally colors, and... a bike! (My previous bike got stolen out of our garage last year.) Expect some reviews of the non-bike items next week.
We also watched
Birdemic: Shock and Horror. It featured some revolutionary green tech that I am very passionate about, really.
Tonight Fun Publications put up
preorders for their new Transformers Club exclusives Punch/Counterpunch and Shattered Glass Cyclonus. Oh, and you can buy a Dion, too, if you missed the deadline to get a free one or just want extras. So if you're a club member, don't miss out. Apparently Punch is selling out crazy fast! Not, like, at MattyCollector speeds, mind you, but fairly quickly.