I know I shouldn't, but this strip shows WHY I love the Amber/Mike relationship. Mike is evil, but Amber having the ability to harness his evil for her own ends is just awesome. I still don't get why he's not more reluctant to do what she wants, though. He's being blackmailed into 'dating' her, not into beating up men who are interested in her.
But if Mike just indiscriminately beat people up, nobody would tolerate his presence. His usual brand of jerkassness doesn't place anyone in physical danger. He also usually arranges his worst trolling so that his victims can only blame themselves or will get angry with each other instead of him. Thus, Mike can make everyone as miserable as possible without pushing them so much that they kick him out of the house or attack him on sight.
His status as Amber's boyfriend is the perfect weapon because it gives him a reasonable pretext to injure Faz, which is really the only way to defeat Faz since Faz is so horrible. Plus, it's so much fun.
Comments 12
but he can do that any time he wanted
but doing so just pleases Amber
which must be something not on his typical MO
His status as Amber's boyfriend is the perfect weapon because it gives him a reasonable pretext to injure Faz, which is really the only way to defeat Faz since Faz is so horrible. Plus, it's so much fun.
(Walky presumably knows what I mean.)
of course if I'm right the humor abounds
MEgaTRON are YOU still there?
"I hope you're satisfied. Because in spite of all your violent behavior, the only thing you've managed to break... is my heart."
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